
Journal Article (49)

Journal Article
Lee, J.-R.; Boothe, T.; Mauksch, C.; Thommen, A.; Rink, J. C.: Epidermal turnover in the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea involves basal cell extrusion and intestinal digestion. Cell Reports, 114305 (2024)
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Gąsiorowski, L.; Dittmann, I. L.; Brand, J. N.; Ruhwedel, T.; Möbius, W.; Egger, B.; Rink, J. C.: Convergent evolution of the sensory pits in and within flatworms. BMC Biology 21 (1), 266 (2023)
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Drees, L.; Schneider, S.; Riedel, D.; Schuh, R.; Behr, M.: The proteolysis of ZP proteins is essential to control cell membrane structure and integrity of developing tracheal tubes in Drosophila. eLife 12, e91079 (2023)
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Vila Farré, M.; Rozanski, A.; Ivanković, M.; Cleland, J. P.; Brand, J. N.; Thalen, F.; Grohme, M. A.; von Kannen, S.; Grosbusch, A. L.; Vu, H. T. K. et al.; Prieto, C. E.; Carbayo, F.; Egger, B.; Bleidorn, C.; Rasko, J. E. J.; Rink, J. C.: Evolutionary dynamics of whole-body regeneration across planarian flatworms. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7, pp. 2108 - 2124 (2023)
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Brand, J. N.: Support for a radiation of free-living flatworms in the African Great Lakes region and the description of five new Macrostomum species. Frontiers in Zoology 20, 31 (2023)
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Boothe, T.; Ivanković, M.; Grohme, M. A.; Markus, M. A.; Dullin, C.; Xu, X.; Rink, J. C.: Content aware image restoration improves spatiotemporal resolution in luminescence imaging. Communications Biology 6, 518 (2023)
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Gąsiorowski, L.: Phoronida—A small clade with a big role in understanding the evolution of lophophorates. Evolution & Development, in press (2023)
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Drees, L.; Rink, J. C.: The planarian flatworm Schmidtea mediterranea. Nature Methods 20, pp. 3 - 5 (2023)
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da Silva, M. T.; Santos, A. R.; Koike, T. E.; Nascimento, T. L.; Rozanski, A.; Bosnakovski, D.; Pereira, L. V.; Kumar, A.; Kyba, M.; Miyabara, E. H.: The fibrotic niche impairs satellite cell function and muscle regeneration in mouse models of Marfan syndrome. Acta Physiologica 237 (1), e13889 (2023)
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Mabrouki, Y.; Taybi, A. F.; Vila Farré, M.: First record of the globally invasive planarian Girardia tigrina (Girard, 1850) sensu lato in Morocco. BioInvasions Records 12 (1), pp. 257 - 264 (2023)
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Dickmann, J. E. M.; Rink, J. C.; Jülicher, F.: Long-range morphogen gradient formation by cell-to-cell signal propagation. Physical Biology 19 (06), 066001 (2022)
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Hall, R. N.; Weill, U.; Drees, L.; Leal-Ortiz, S.; Li, H.; Khariton, M.; Chai, C.; Xue, Y.; Rosental, B.; Quake, S. R. et al.; Alvarado, A. S.; Melosh, N. A.; Fire, A. Z.; Rink, J. C.; Wang, B.: Heterologous reporter expression in the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea through somatic mRNA transfection. Cell Reports: Methods 2 (10), 100298 (2022)
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Bekkouche, N.; Gasiorowski, L.: Careful amendment of morphological data sets improves phylogenetic frameworks: re-evaluating placement of the fossil Amiskwia sagittiformis. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 20 (1), 2109217 (2022)
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Wernström, J. V.; Gąsiorowski, L.; Hejnol, A.: Brachiopod and mollusc biomineralisation is a conserved process that was lost in the phoronid–bryozoan stem lineage. EvoDevo 13 (1), 17 (2022)
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Howe, J.; Rink, J. C.; Wang, B.; Griffin, A. S.: Multicellularity in animals: The potential for within-organism conflict. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 119 (32), e2120457119 (2022)
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Leria, L.; Riutort, M.; Romero, R.; Ferrer, X.; Vila-Farré, M.: Microplate tectonics and environmental factors as distribution drivers in Western Mediterranean freshwater planarians. Journal of Biogeography 49 (6), pp. 1124 - 1136 (2022)
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Brand, J. N.; Harmon, L. J.; Schaerer, L.: Mating behavior and reproductive morphology predict macroevolution of sex allocation in hermaphroditic flatworms. BMC Biology 20 (1), 35 (2022)
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Vasquez-Doorman, C.; Brusa, F.; Reyes, J.; Sluys, R.; Vila Farré, M.; Allende, M. L.: First finds in North and South America of Pentacoelum kazukolinda (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida), a worldwide invasive flatworm. BioInvasions Records: International Journal of Field Research on Biological Invasions 11 (4), pp. 1078 - 1094 (2022)
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Basquin, C.; Ershov, D.; Gaudin, N.; Vu, h. T. K.; Louis, B.; Papon, J. F.; Orfila, A. M.; Mansour, S.; Rink, J. C.; Azimzadeh, J.: Emergence of a bilaterally symmetric pattern from chiral components in the planarian epidermis. Developmental Cell 51 (4), pp. 516 - 525.e5 (2019)
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Vu, H. T. K.; Mansour, S.; Kücken, M.; Blasse, C.; Basquin, C.; Azimzadeh, J.; Myers, E. W.; Brusch, L.; Rink, J. C.: Dynamic polarization of the multiciliated planarian epidermis between body plan landmarks. Developmental Cell 51 (4), pp. 526 - 542 (2019)
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Leria, L.; Vila Farre, M.; Solà, E.; Riutort, M.: Outstanding intraindividual genetic diversity in fissiparous planarians (Dugesia, Platyhelminthes) with facultative sex. BMC Evolutionary Biology 19, 130 (2019)
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Rozanski, A.; Moon, H.; Brandl, H.; Martin-Duran, J. M.; Grohme, M. A.; Hüttner, K.; Bartscherer, K.; Henry, I.; Rink, J. C.: PlanMine 3.0improvements to a mineable resource of flatworm biology and biodiversity. Nucleic Acids Research 47 (D1), pp. D812 - D820 (2019)
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Thommen, A.; Werner, S.; Frank, O.; Philipp, J.; Knittelfelder, O.; Quek, Y.; Fahmy, K.; Shevchenko, A.; Friedrich, B. M.; Jülicher, F. et al.; Rink, J. C.: Body size-dependent energy storage causes Kleiber's law scaling of the metabolic rate in planarians. eLife 8, e38187 (2019)
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Ivankovic, M.; Haneckova, R.; Thommen, A.; Grohme, M. A.; Vila-Farre, M.; Werner, S.; Rink, J. C.: Model systems for regeneration: Planarians. Development 146 (17), dev167684 (2019)
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Simion, P.; Belkhir, K.; Francois, C.; Veyssier, J.; Rink, J. C.; Manuel, M.; Philippe, H.; Telford, M. J.: A software tool 'CroCo' detects pervasive cross-species contamination in next generation sequencing data. BMC Biology 16, 28 (2018)
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Grohme, M. A.; Schloissnig, S.; Rozanski, A.; Pippel, M.; Young, G. R.; Winkler, S.; Brandl, H.; Dahl, A.; Powell, S.; Hiller, M. et al.; Myers, E.; Rink, J. C.: The genome of Schmidtea mediterranea and the evolution of core cellular mechanisms. Nature 554 (7690), pp. 56 - 61 (2018)
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Sluys, R.; Vila Farre, M.; Rink, J. C.; Rasko, J. E. J.: An intriguing, new planarian species from Tasmania, with a discussion on protandry in triclad flatworms (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida). Acta Zoologica 99 (4), pp. 404 - 414 (2018)
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Weigert, M.; Schmidt, U.; Boothe, T.; Müller, A.; Dibrov, A.; Jain, A.; Wilhelm, B.; Schmidt, D.; Broaddus, C.; Culley, S. et al.; Rocha-Martins, M.; Segovia-Miranda, F.; Norden, C.; Henriques, R.; Zerial, M.; Solimena, M.; Rink, J. C.; Tomancak, P.; Royer, L.; Jug, F.; Myers, E. W.: Content-aware image restoration: Pushing the limits of fluorescence microscopy. Nature Methods 15 (12), pp. 1090 - 1097 (2018)
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Boothe, T.; Hilbert, L.; Heide, M.; Berninger, L.; Huttner, W. B.; Zaburdaev, V.; Vastenhouw, N. L.; Myers, E. W.; Drechsel, D. N.; Rink, J. C.: A tunable refractive index matching medium for live imaging cells, tissues and model organisms. eLife 6, e27240 (2017)
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Stückemann, T.; Cleland, J. P.; Werner, S.; Vu, H. T. K.; Bayersdorf, R.; Liu, S. Y.; Friedrich, B.; Jülicher, F.; Rink, J. C.: Antagonistic self-organizing patterning systems control maintenance and regeneration of the anteroposterior axis in planarians. Developmental Cell 40 (3), pp. 248 - 263.e4 (2017)
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Werner, S.; Vu, H. T. K.; Rink, J. C.: Self-organization in development, regeneration and organoids. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 44, pp. 102 - 109 (2017)
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Hoffmann, K. B.; Voss-Böhme, A.; Rink, J. C.; Brusch, L.: A dynamically diluted alignment model reveals the impact of cell turnover on the plasticity of tissue polarity patterns. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 14 (135), 20170466 (2017)
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Levin, M.; Anavy, L.; Cole, A. G.; Winter, E.; Mostov, N.; Khair, S.; Senderovich, N.; Kovalev, E.; Silver, D. H.; Feder, M. et al.; Fernandez-Valverde, S. L.; Nakanishi, N.; Simmons, D.; Simakov, O.; Larsson, T.; Liu, S. Y.; Jerafi-Vider, A.; Yaniv, K.; Ryan, J. F.; Martindale, M. Q.; Rink, J. C.; Arendt, D.; Degnan, S. M.; Degnan, B. M.; Hashimshony, T.; Yanai, I.: The mid-developmental transition and the evolution of animal body plans. Nature 531 (7596), pp. 637 - 641 (2016)
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Brandl, H.; Moon, H.; Vila Farre, M.; Liu, S. Y.; Henry, I.; Rink, J. C.: PlanMine - A mineable resource of planarian biology and biodiversity. Nucleic Acids Research 44 (D1), pp. D764 - D773 (2016)
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Vu, H. T. K.; Rink, J. C.; McKinney, S. A.; McClain, M.; Lakshmanaperumal, N.; Alexander, R.; Alvarado, A. S.: Stem cells and fluid flow drive cyst formation in an invertebrate excretory organ. eLife 4, e07405 (2015)
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Werner, S.; Stückemann, T.; Amigo, M. B.; Rink, J. C.; Jülicher, F.; Friedrich, B. M.: Scaling and regeneration of self-organized patterns. Physical Review Letters 114 (13), 138101 (2015)
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Werner, S.; Rink, J. C.; Riedel-Kruse, I. H.; Friedrich, B. M.: Shape mode analysis exposes movement patterns in biology: Flagella and flatworms as case studies. PLoS One 9 (11), e113083 (2014)
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Liu, S. Y.; Selck, C.; Friedrich, B.; Lutz, R.; Vila Farré, M.; Dahl, A.; Brandl, H.; Lakshmanaperumal, N.; Henry, I.; Rink, J. C.: Reactivating head regrowth in a regeneration-deficient planarian species. Nature 500 (7460), pp. 81 - 84 (2013)
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Collinet, C.; Stöter, M.; Bradshaw, C. R.; Samusik, N.; Rink, J. C.; Kenski, D.; Habermann, B.; Buchholz, F.; Henschel, R.; Mueller, M. S. et al.; Nagel, W. E.; Fava, E.; Kalaidzidis, Y.; Zerial, M.: Systems survey of endocytosis by multiparametric image analysis. Nature 464 (7286), pp. 243 - 249 (2010)
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Pearson, B. J.; Eisenhoffer, G. T.; Gurley, K. A.; Rink, J. C.; Miller, D. E.; Alvarado, A. S.: Formaldehyde-based whole-mount in situ hybridization method for planarians. Developmental Dynamics 238 (2), pp. 443 - 450 (2009)
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Gurley, K. A.; Rink, J. C.; Alvarado, A. S.: Beta-catenin defines head versus tail identity during planarian regeneration and homeostasis. Science 319 (5861), pp. 323 - 327 (2008)
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Del Conte-Zerial, P.; Brusch, L.; Rink, J. C.; Collinet, C.; Kalaidzidis, Y.; Zerial, M.; Deutsch, A.: Membrane identity and GTPase cascades regulated by toggle and cut-out switches. Molecular Systems Biology 4 (1), 206 (2008)
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Collings, D. A.; Carter, C. N.; Rink, J. C.; Scott, A. C.; Wyatt, S. E.; Strömgren Allen, N.: Plant nuclei can contain extensive grooves and invaginations. The Plant Cell 12 (12), pp. 2425 - 2439 (2000)

Book (1)

Rink, J. C. (Ed.): Planarian Regeneration: Methods and Protocols. Humana, New York, NY (2018), xi, 573 pp.
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