Press Releases

Stefan Hell honored with the Landesmedaille of Lower Saxony
Our Director receives the highest award from the state of Lower Saxony for his many years of scientific achievements and his outstanding contribution to the research landscape in Lower Saxony. (in German)
Awarded for innovation

Awarded for innovation

November 07, 2024
Frauke Alves and the team behind the spin-off NanoDrug Delivery GmbH have won the Lower Saxony Innovation Award 2024 in the category “Knowledge and Technology Transfer”. (in German)
12 million euros for astrochemistry research
Alec Wodtke, together with colleagues, receives an ERC Synergy Grant. They want to investigate how molecules observed by space telescopes are produced by chemical reactions in and on interstellar icy dust grains.


Initiation of protein production filmed
Researchers uncovered in molecular detail how the translation machinery in human cells selects the start site of a protein-coding region on mRNA for protein production. 
MPG awards license for ultrafast electron microscopy to Jeol-Ides
Science and industry are working together to develop a process for nanotechnology and materials research.
The INSIDE NAT 4/24 is here!
Read the latest issue of our institute magazine now.
Apprenticeship at the institute
Office management pros – Apprenticeship as office management assistant (in German).

Multimedia & Events


MPI-NAT SEMINAR SERIES: Fundamental mechanisms orchestrating the birth of proteins

Danny D. Nedialkova
Feb 6, 2025 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
Max-Planck-Institut für Multidisziplinäre Naturwissenschaften (MPI-NAT, Faßberg-Campus), Room: Manfred Eigen Lecture Hall

MPI-NAT Seminar Series: Molecular Machines: Unidirectional Translocation of Ions powered by Light

Alexander P. Demchenko
Feb 20, 2025 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
Max-Planck-Institut für Multidisziplinäre Naturwissenschaften (MPI-NAT, Faßberg-Campus), Room: Manfred-Eigen-Lecture Hall
Images from science
Scientists at our institute create impressive images from their wide ranging fields of research. The resulting online exhibition offers you fascinating insights into the world of science.
Understanding the world with basic research
The MPI-NAT links basic research in the natural sciences with medical research to address the most urgent scientific questions of the 21st century. (in German)

At a Glance & News

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