The Team Communication & Media at the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences

Communication & Media

The Communication & Media team is the institute's central point of contact for all questions regarding the institute and its scientific work. If you are looking for answers to specific questions, seeking general information, or searching for contact details of scientific experts, please let us know – we are here to help.

For press and general inquiries, please contact our team at

The Communication & Media team also regularly publishes press releases detailing the research at the institute as well as other news and activities. These news releases can be found here. They can of course also be sent to you directly. Please send us a short note – we are happy to include you in our press mailing list. All press releases with high-resolution pictures can be found on our website in our press archive. Should you be looking for specific information about a scientific topic please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to put you in touch with one of our scientists for an interview or inquiries.

If you would like to visit our institute please get in touch with us. We will help you organize your stay here.

You also find us on FacebookTwitterYouTube and LinkedIn.

Press Contact MPI-NAT

Carmen Rotte

Carmen Rotte

Communication & Media
Press Officer and Head of the Communications & Media Team
Phone: +49 551 201-1304
Celina Böker

Celina Böker

Communication & Media - Science Communication Officer
Phone: +49 551 201-1319
Press relations, internal communication, BioDiversum
Kristin Fricke

Kristin Fricke

Communication & Media - Science Communication Officer
Phone: +49 551 201-1310
Press relations, internal communication 
Johanna Pfüller

Johanna Pfüller

Communication & Media - Social Media Specialist / Videographer
Phone: +49 551 201-1330
Social media, internal communication
Johannes Pauly

Johannes Pauly

Communication & Media - Deputy Press Officer, Head of Digital Media and Digitization
Tel: +49 551 201-1308
Digitization, Video, graphics, 3D modelling, website
Irene Böttcher-Gajewski

Irene Böttcher-Gajewski

Communication & Media - Photographer
Phone: +49 551 201-1135
Photography, graphics, layout
Swen Pförtner

Swen Pförtner

Communication & Media - Photographer, Media designer
Phone: +49 551 201-1474
Photography, Media design
Hartmut Sebesse

Hartmut Sebesse

Communication & Media - Media designer
Phone: +49 551 201-1580
Graphics, 3D modelling, layout

Media Service

Media Service for employees
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