
Welcome back to the Institute!

Have you worked at our current or one of our former institutes in the past? If so, we want to help you keep in touch and stay up-to-date on the latest research and developments here. To this end, we have recently initiated an alumni network which you are warmly invited to join.

Keep in Touch

There are no membership fees. Taking the time to register, however, offers several benefits:

  • Special alumni days with scientific lectures and a full social programme allow members to meet colleagues, share experiences and forge ties that may lead to new collaborations.
  • The alumni network will help not only to maintain contact with former colleagues, but also to forge new links with current institute members, thus supporting an active and beneficial exchange for all.
  • About four times a year, you receive a newsletter to keep you informed about the research, institute life, and the most important events at the MPI-NAT.


Participate in the Alumni Network

Every employee who has worked at the institute for more than six months - whether in the lab, in the workshops, in the library or in administration - can register. You can easily register online.

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