We Published!
Our publicaton “Protein degradation by human 20S proteasomes elucidates the interplay between peptide hydrolysis and splicing” is now available in Nature Communications. more
A new publication
02. November 2023 The team of Melina Schuh published their paper “Mammalian oocytes store proteins for the early embryo on cytoplasmic lattices” in Cell. Congratulations to Yehor, Iina, and Juliane who collaborated with the Schuh lab on this paper. more
Wai Tuck presents at the 15th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting: Life Sciences and Cutting-edge Technologies

Wai Tuck presents at the 15th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting: Life Sciences and Cutting-edge Technologies

19. September 2023 Wai Tuck attended a conference at his alma mater, University of Salzburg in Austria. He presented his work on the Identification and Characterization of spliced peptides catalyzed by human 20S proteasomes. Wai Tuck is supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions postdoctoral fellowship.
QSB Retreat in Portugal

QSB Retreat in Portugal

26. July 2023 We held a very successful retreat in Caparica, Portugal. Days consisted of a group work, presentations by team members, and scientific discussion.
Hanna and Nyet Cheng win poster awards!!

Hanna and Nyet Cheng win poster awards!!

20. July 2023 Congratulations to Hanna and Nyet Cheng who won 2 of the 3 awards for most excellent posters presented at the 5th International Caparica Conference in SPLICING 2023, Caparica, Portugal.
QSB present posters at International Caparica Conference in SPLICING

QSB present posters at International Caparica Conference in SPLICING

18. July 2023 Congratulations to Hanna, John, Julia, Lara, Martin, Nyet Cheng, Sahil, Wai Tuck, and Yehor who all presented posters at the 5th International Caparica Conference in SPLICING 2023, Caparica, Portugal.
QSB Presentations at International Caparica Conference in SPLICING

QSB Presentations at International Caparica Conference in SPLICING

17. July 2023 Congratulations to Hanna, Wai Tuck, Yehor, John, and Juliane who all gave short talks at the 5th International Caparica Conference in SPLICING 2023, Caparica, Portugal. It was the first time presenting at a conference for Hanna, Yehor, and John. This work was co-funded by ERC. Wai Tuck is supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions postdoctoral fellowship.
QSB travels to Portugal

QSB travels to Portugal

16. July 2023 Our team is travelling to the 5th International Caparica Conference in SPLICING 2023, Caparica, Portugal at which multiple group members will give talks and present posters. After the conference, the we will remain in Caparica for a team retreat.
Wai Tuck attends 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

Wai Tuck attends 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

25. June 2023 Wai Tuck got nominated by the European Commission (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions) to attend the 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. Together with 600 young scientists and Nobel laureates, they spent a week (25-30th June 2023) in Lindau to foster scientific exchange among them. Wai Tuck is supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions postdoctoral fellowship.
Hanna presents at the Francis Crick Immunology Seminar 

Hanna presents at the Francis Crick Immunology Seminar

03. Mai 2023 Hanna presented her work about “Insights into proteasome catalysis gained from in vitro experiments - the key towards understanding MHC-I epitope generation?” at the Immunology Interest Group Seminar at the Francis Crick Institute.
Welcome, Julia!

Welcome, Julia!

6. February 2023 We warmly welcome Julia Stachowiak to our team! 
Julia is a medical student and joined us for her medical doctoral thesis. She will be working on neoepitopes in oncological diseases.
John presents at the MPI-NAT Campus Seminar 

John presents at the MPI-NAT Campus Seminar

12. January 2023 Congratulations to John who presented at the MPI-NAT campus seminar. John gave a talk entitled “The Search for Immunogenic Peptides: Finding Needles in Haystacks”.

We Published!
10. Januar 2023 Our paper “InvitroSPI and a large database of proteasome-generated spliced and non-spliced peptides” is now available in Scientific Data. more

News of 2022

Lara receives Deutschlandstipendium (German Scholarship)

Lara receives Deutschlandstipendium (German Scholarship)

The Deutschlandstipendium supports talented and high-performing students. Congratulations!
After her internship at QSB, Lara will continue to work with us on the proteasome as student assistant.
QSB hosts Happy Hour!

QSB hosts Happy Hour!

18. November 2022 We hosted a very successful edition of the institute’s Happy Hour! It was a night of music, cocktails, and good conversation as the first snow of winter came down outside.
Hanna holds online workshop on the new affinitySPI  software tool.

Hanna holds online workshop on the new affinitySPI  software tool.

November 4, 2022  Hanna held a workshop on the newly developed affinitySPI tool. affinitySPI identifies immunologically relevant peptides.
Hanna moved to London!

Hanna moved to London!

21. October 2022 Hanna graduated from her BSc studies in Biochemistry and moved to the Molecular Immunobiology group of Dr. Michele Mishto at Kings College London to conduct her PhD studies. We are happy that Hanna will remain a team member of QSB through extended research stays (Front to back: Hanna Rötschke, Hassnae Afrache, Connie Fourny, KCL).
Wai Tuck and Nyet Cheng arrive in London!

Wai Tuck and Nyet Cheng arrive in London!

21. October 2022 To learn new techniques and collect data for their projects Wai Tuck and Nyet Cheng are currently on a research stay for 10 weeks hosted by the Molecular Immunobiology group of Dr. Michele Mishto at the Francis Crick institute in London (left to right: Ying Thong (Crick), Nyet Cheng Chiam (QSB), Wai Tuck Soh (QSB) and Bei Fang Teo (Crick)).
We published!
20. October 2022 Our paper “inSPIRE: An open-source tool for increased mass spectrometry identification rates using Prosit spectral prediction” is now available in Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. more
From Göttingen to London and back.

From Göttingen to London and back.

15. October 2022 To further increase interaction and exchange between 'wet' and 'dry' labs, we have weekly joint group meetings between QSB and the Molecular Immunobiology group of Dr. Michele Mishto at King's College and the Francis Crick Institute in London.
We published!
03. October 2022 Our paper “iBench:  A ground truth approach for advanced validation of mass spectrometry identification method” is now available in Proteomics. more
Welcome Martin!

Welcome Martin!

October 01. 2022 A warm welcome to Martin Pašen! Martin started as a PhD student in our team. His project will focus on on quantitative and statistical approaches to modelling the APP (antigen processing and presentation) pathway.
John presents poster at theHorizons in Molecular Biology Symposium

John presents poster at the
Horizons in Molecular Biology Symposium

15. September 2022 John presented a poster on “iBench & inSPIRE: Getting peptide sequences right” at the 19th Horizons in Molecular Biology Symposium.
Wai Tuck attends Advanced Proteomics Summer School!

Wai Tuck attends Advanced Proteomics Summer School!

31. July 2022 Wai Tuck took part the 14th Advanced Proteomics Summer School. At the conference, he presented a poster on Characterization of the Antigen Processing by Proteasomes.
Sarah Graduates!

Sarah Graduates!

04. July 2022 We warmly congratulate Dr. Sarah Henze, who received her PhD at QSB. Sarah was awarded her PhD for her research into absolute quantification of peptides with a computational approach using Bayesian inference.
Welcome Iina!

Welcome Iina!

01. June 2022 We warmly welcome Iina Takala to our team! Iina has joined our team after completing her masters at the University of Turku. She is working on multi-omics analysis of proteasome subtype expression effects.
Welcome Sahil!

Welcome Sahil!

01. June 2022 A warm welcome to Sahil Khan! Sahil has started as a PhD student on our team. His project will focus on developing a mechanistic model for APP (Antigen Processing and Presentation) pathway.
Welcome, Lara!

Welcome, Lara!

02 May 2022 Lara has joined our team, welcome! Lara is doing a 3-months internship before starting her BSc studies in Biochemistry in October. During her time here she will get introduced to enzyme biochemistry, experimental work e.g. pipetting and computer-based data analysis.
Artem Graduates!

Artem Graduates!

20. April 2022 We warmly congratulate Dr. Artem Mansurkhodzhaev who was awarded his PhD. Artem earned his PhD for his research into the role of proteasome generated spliced peptides in the adaptive immune response, immune evasion by pathogens and autoimmunity.
Wai Tuck is awarded the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions fellowship!
21 Mar 2022 We congratulate Wai Tuck for being awarded the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions fellowship by the European Commission! The project is about PROTAC-driven Protein degradation by Proteasome during Antigen Processing and Presentation (ProAPP) and will be funded for 24 months. more

Welcome, Vera!

14 Mar 2022 We welcome Vera Subrakova to our team! Vera studies Biotechnology at AgroParisTech University Paris and joins us for a 6-month master project. She is interested in anti-cancer drug development and with us she will work on the prediction of peptide splicing in order to identify possible cancer-specific spliced peptides.
Welcome, Nyet Cheng!

Welcome, Nyet Cheng!

01 March 2022 A warm welcome to Nyet Cheng Chiam, who joins our team as postdoc! Nyet Cheng is a trained molecular biologist and she will work experimentally on proteasome-mediated antigen processing and MHC-1 presentation.
John holds internal online workshop on the rescoring tool Caravan

John holds internal online workshop on the rescoring tool Caravan

25 Feb 2022 Caravan uses Percolator and Prosit tools to generate high confidence peptide-spectrum matches from mass spectrometry search results using recent advances in spectral prediction.

Welcome, Lorenz!

21 Feb 2022 We welcome Lorenz Mammen to our team! Lorenz is currently doing his undergraduate studies in biology and maths at the University of Tuebingen. He joins us for an internship of six weeks. During his stay, he will work on modelling of the antigen presenting pathway.
We published!
20 Feb 2022 Our paper “Database search engines and target database features impinge upon the identification of post-translationally cis-spliced peptides in HLA class I immunopeptidomes” was published in Proteomics. more
Hanna receives PhD studentship from Wellcome Trust UK!
31 Jan 2022 Hanna receives a PhD studentship from the Wellcome Trust in UK. Congratuations, Hanna! She will join the Neuro-Immune Interactions in Health & Disease Programme at King's College London in September. more
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