Biotope Blog

Biotope Blog

On this page we keep you updated on everything concerning the BioDiversum. How is the progess on the measures? What animals and plants are there to see? What else is going on? Find out here!

January 31, 2025

Nature conservation – learning step by step

Although it is only January, our biotope is already waking up from hibernation. The bird feeding station is a hive of activity, the first shrubs are flowering, and our gardeners are eagerly at work.

Have you ever visited our BioDiversum? Wildflower meadows, shrubs, open ground, or clearance cairns: Our biotope is a colorful mosaic of structures. In principle, the more diverse the habitat, the greater the biodiversity – as shown in a study conducted by researchers at the University of Göttingen in 2020. Diversity allows different species to find their own niche.

However, the study also shows that ecosystems are complex. Each of them is unique, and sometimes measures intended to preserve or improve the habitat do not work as planned – also in our biotope. In the end, nature conservation means a lot of trial and error and learning from mistakes.

In any case, we will continue to work on promoting and protecting biodiversity around the institute – and in Germany.

In the coming months, we will take you on a look back and ahead: What is going well in the BioDiversum? Where are we still experimenting? Where do we go from here?



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