Constant pH Simulations in GROMACS with FMM Electrostatics

Constant pH Simulations in GROMACS with FMM Electrostatics

The protonation state of most biomolecules is not static, but changes stochastically with time according to the pH of the surrounding solution. For some biomolecules, pH-induced protonation changes are an essential part of their function. However, a typical MD simulation does not include protonation dynamics, but simply uses fixed protonation states that are likely at the given pH. To overcome this limitation and make biomolecular simulations more realistic, we are developing a constant pH simulation protocol based on lambda dynamics and FMM electrostatics.

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Donnini, S.; Tegeler, F.; Groenhof, G.; Grubmüller, H.: Constant pH molecular dynamics in explicit solvent with lambda-dynamics. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 7 (6), pp. 1962 - 1978 (2011)
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