Interested to join our department? Your application is most welcome!


Open Phd Position in the Grubmüller Group
... for the project Microtubule mechanical failure and interaction with tau proteins in connection with the RTG 2756 (Universtiy of Göttingen) more
Open PhD and Postdoc Positions in the de Groot group
... in the field of ion channel simulations more
Open PhD Position for the Tubulin Project in the Grubmüller Group
Interested to contribute to “Microtubule nanomechanics and turnover under cell-like physical constraints” supervised by Maxim Igaev? Please apply! more
Open PhD or Postdoc Positions in the Grubmüller Group
... in the field of Theory and Methods for Non-equilibrium Atomistic Simulations of Complex Biomolecules for particular projects in the research team of Helmut Grubmüller more

We are always looking for highly motivated scientists, possessing a strong background in physics, physical chemistry, mathematics and/or biomolecular simulations. If you are interested in driving research projects forward which are conducted at our department  please submit your application documents (including motivation letter, CV, publication list, certificates) preferrably as single PDF file via email to or follow the instructions in the job announcements.

Our expectations

You have a strong background in Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and/or Mathematics and hold a degree in any of these or a related field. Applicants must be highly interactive and willing to collaborate efficiently with experts from all natural sciences. Depending on the topic, candidates should be able to translate physical concepts into program code, e.g. C, Fortran or Matlab and should be familiar with a scripting and a computer language (e.g., Bash, Python, C).

 Your application is most welcome at any time!

The group language is English, so no German language skills are required to join our department – but it’s a great opportunity for you to learn German! We offer in-house language classes free of charge.


Additionally, we are looking for particular support in these projects:

Research Group Theoretical and Computational Biophysics  - Helmut Grubmüller

  • How do "biological nanomachines" work? - Functional mechanisms of biomolecular complexes
  • Combining theory and experiment - Simulation & interpretation of (single molecule) experiments
  • Protein folding and disordered proteins
  • Theory & parallel computation
  • Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics

Research Group Computational Biomolecular Dynamics - Bert de Groot

  • Channel pH gating
  • Computational drug design
  • Alchemical free energy calculations and machine learning
  • Membrane-polymer interactions

Research Group Mathematical bioPhysics - Aljaz Godec

  • Extreme value statistics with applications in Physics
  • Time-average statistical mechanics in and out of equilibrium
  • Stochastic thermodynamics
  • Pair correlation effects in stochastic many-body systems
  • Many-body physics of cell adhesion
  • Dynamical Potts models of cell sorting
  • Inequalities in statistical and mathematical physics

Further information for PhD students

PhD students will have the opportunity to participate in one of several available PhD programs,  with   four years funding, in collaboration with the University of Göttingen. Masters students  aiming at a fast track PhD are also welcome.

International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Physics of Biological and Complex Systems (PBCS)

The IMPRS for Physics of Biological and Complex Systems is conducted jointly by the University of Göttingen, the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, and the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization. The research-oriented PhD program  offers cutting-edge advanced microscopy courses and teaches the basics of new techniques essential for studying life processes in combination with quantitative physical approaches and synthetic strategies.

Göttingen Graduate School for Neurosciences, Biophysics, and Molecular Biosciences (GGNB)

The IMPRS is a member of the Göttingen Graduate School for Neurosciences, Biophysics, and Molecular Biosciences (GGNB) funded by the German Excellence Initiative. The school is a joint enterprise between four faculties of the University of Göttingen (Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, Physics), the Max Planck Institutes for Multidisciplinary Sciences (MPI-NAT), and Dynamics and Self Organization (MPI-DS), and the German Primate Center (DPZ). GGNB provides a common interdisciplinary training platform for all qualified doctoral students in the neurosciences, biophysics and the molecular biosciences. All courses are in English.

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