Mathematical bioPhysics

We develop and apply the methods of mathematical physics and the theory of stochastic processes to study phenomena in biophysics. Our main research focus is currently the non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of single molecules. In particular, we aim at a trajectory-based description of macromolecular conformation dynamics as well as of their spatial transport, binding, and reactions. In our work we employ a combination of rigorous analysis corroborated by computer simulations.
Press releases & research news
10 most recent papers
Model-free inference of memory in conformational dynamics of a multi-domain protein
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 57 365001
Thermodynamic Bounds on Generalized Transport: From Single-Molecule to Bulk Observables
Physical Review Letters 133, 067101 (2024)
121 (17), e2318333121 (2024)
Milestoning estimators of dissipation in systems observed at a coarse resolution. PNAS
132 (14), 147101 (2024)
Emergence of Memory in Equilibrium versus Nonequilibrium Systems. Physical Review Letters
20, pp. 135 - 141 (2024)
Heating and cooling are fundamentally asymmetric and evolve along distinct pathways. Nature Physics
131 (23), 237101 (2023)
Controlling Uncertainty of Empirical First-Passage Times in the Small-Sample Regime. Physical Review Letters
5 (4), L042030 (2023)
Asymmetric thermal relaxation in driven systems: Rotations go opposite ways. Physical Review Research
56 (15), 155002 (2023)
Feynman-Kac theory of time-integrated functionals: Itô versus functional calculus. Journal of Physics A
130 (8), 087101 (2023)
Direct Route to Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relations and Their Saturation. Physical Review Letters
5 (1), 013135 (2023)
Thermodynamically consistent phase-field theory including nearest-neighbor pair correlations. Physical Review Research