Mathematical bioPhysics

Mathematical bioPhysics

We develop and apply the methods of mathematical physics and the theory of stochastic processes to study phenomena in biophysics. Our main research focus is currently the non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of single molecules. In particular, we aim at a trajectory-based description of macromolecular conformation dynamics as well as of their spatial transport, binding, and reactions. In our work we employ a combination of rigorous analysis corroborated by computer simulations.

Press releases & research news

Thermodynamic transport inequality: Inferring dissipation from observed transport from single-molecule to bulk observables

Small biological systems are inherently stochastic due to thermal fluctuations. Inferring dissipation, that is, if and how far biological systems (or processes) are driven out of equilibrium, from fluctuating observations, which typically track only a small subset of degrees of freedom, remains a key challenge in modern non-equilibrium physics. more

Heating and cooling are fundamentally asymmetric

If you take a coin out of an ice bath, it warms up over time. Likewise, a hot coin that you have just taken out of a sauna cools down. The fact that systems, here the coin, thermally adapt to their environment is due to the heat flow that results from temperature differences. more

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10 most recent papers

Vollmar, L.; Bebon, R.; Schimpf, J.; Flietel, B.; Celiksoy, S.; Sönnichsen, C.; Godec, A.; Hugel, T.:
Model-free inference of memory in conformational dynamics of a multi-domain protein
Journal of Physics  A: Mathematical and Theoretical 57 365001
Dieball, C.; Godec, A.
Thermodynamic Bounds on Generalized Transport: From Single-Molecule to Bulk Observables
Physical Review Letters 133, 067101 (2024)
Blom, K.; Song, K.; Vouga, E.; Godec, A.; Makarov, D. E.: Milestoning estimators of dissipation in systems observed at a coarse resolution. PNAS 121 (17), e2318333121 (2024)
Zhao, X.; Hartich, D.; Godec, A.: Emergence of Memory in Equilibrium versus Nonequilibrium Systems. Physical Review Letters 132 (14), 147101 (2024)
Ibáñez, M.; Dieball, C.; Lasanta, A.; Godec, A.; Rica, R. A.: Heating and cooling are fundamentally asymmetric and evolve along distinct pathways. Nature Physics 20, pp. 135 - 141 (2024)
Bebon, R.; Godec, A.: Controlling Uncertainty of Empirical First-Passage Times in the Small-Sample Regime. Physical Review Letters 131 (23), 237101 (2023)
Dieball, C.; Wellecke, G.; Godec, A.: Asymmetric thermal relaxation in driven systems: Rotations go opposite ways. Physical Review Research 5 (4), L042030 (2023)
Dieball, C.; Godec, A.: Feynman-Kac theory of time-integrated functionals: Itô versus functional calculus. Journal of Physics A 56 (15), 155002 (2023)
Dieball, C.; Godec, A.: Direct Route to Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relations and Their Saturation. Physical Review Letters 130 (8), 087101 (2023)
Blom, K.; Ziethen, N.; Zwicker, D.; Godec, A.: Thermodynamically consistent phase-field theory including nearest-neighbor pair correlations. Physical Review Research 5 (1), 013135 (2023)

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