Animations und Scientific Video Clips
Ovulation filmed from start to finish for the first time
Computer Simulations
Fascinating insights into the ribosome's "machine room"
Who actually drives whom in complex work processes? This question also arises in the protein factories of the cell – the ribosomes. Computer simulations by a team of researchers from Göttingen, Jülich and Düsseldorf have shown for the first time in atomic detail which mechanisms and forces are at work in the ribosome. (Press release November 5, 2013, in German)
Website of the Department of Theoretical and Computational Biophysics by Helmut Grubmüller
Scientists unveil secrets of important natural antibiotic
An international team of scientists from Göttingen, Edinburgh, Tübingen, and Strasbourg has now been able to resolve the atomic structure of an important natural antibiotic called dermcidin. Applying extensive computer simulations, the team around our researcher Bert de Groot watched the channel as it performs its action. Surprisingly, the ions traversed the dermcidin channel along a very unusual pathway. (Press release February 21, 2013)
Website of the Research Group of Computational Biomolecular Dynamics by Bert de Groot
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Listen live while talking
How our heart beats
Sung live
Horn playing in the MRI scanner
Images of moving organs and joints have so far hardly been possible with MRI. Our scientist Jens Frahm and his team have significantly shortened the time for an image capture once again decisively – to only one fiftieth of a second. With this breakthrough, the dynamics of organs and joints can be filmed "live" for the first time: eye and jaw movements as well as the bending knee or the beating heart. (Press releases June 7, 2018; April 24, 2018; February 26, 2016, in German; June 4, 2013, in German; August 30, 2010, in German)
Website of the Biomedical NMR by Jens Frahm
STED and MINFLUX Microscopy
Movement pattern of 30S ribosomes in a bacterium
Scientists around our Nobel Laureate Stefan Hell have developed a new fluorescence microscope allowing, for the first time, to optically separate molecules, which are only nanometers (one millionth of a millimeter) apart from each other: The MINFLUX microscope is more than 100 times sharper than conventional light microscopes and exceeds even the best super-resolution light microscopy methods to date, namely STED developed by Hell and PALM/STORM described by Nobel laureate Eric Betzig, by up to 20 times. (Press Release December 22, 2016)
Super-sharp video clip of the cell
Scientists at our institute and the Cluster of Excellence "Microscopy in the Nanometer Range", which was established in line with the German Excellence Initiative of the University of Göttingen, have succeeded in recording the first video ever on the nanoscale live from inside a living cell. Using the STED microscope, the researchers followed the rapid movements of tiny cell building blocks with up to 28 images per second and with an up to four times better resolution compared to conventional light microscopes. For the first time, scientists could track in real-time how vesicles move within living nerve cells. (Press release February 29, 2008)
Website of the Department of NanoBiophotonics by Stefan Hell