Poster Guidelines
Poster presenters are expected to submit their abstract after registration, latest by 31st July. You will receive a link for the submission form in your confirmation email after filling out the registration form. Poster presenters are assigned to one of multiple poster sessions. They will be notified about their allocated time slot in advance.
The design of the poster is up to the presenter and the format should have common features of a scientific poster. It should have a size of DIN A0 (119 cm x 84 cm).
Abstract Guidelines
Only poster abstracts submitted by the deadline can be included in the conference booklet. Depending on the number of submissions, there may be a maximum number of poster slots that we can acoomodate. In that case, a first come, first served strategy will be followed.
Abstracts are submitted through the submission form. You receive a link for this online form via email after completing the registration. You will be notified of the acceptance of your poster latest by mid-August via email.
These guidelines apply to every application:
Write the abstract in English
Do not write in paragraphs
Do neither include figures nor tables
Do not include any references
Minimum length: 1000 characters
Maximum length: 2000 characters
The application can not be considered if any of the criteria are not met. As abstracts will not be proofread or corrected, please check everything carefully before submitting.