QSB Gruppe Apr 2022

Publikationen von Han Chen

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Chen, H.; Fang, Q.; Benseler, F.; Brose, N.; Moser, T.: Probing the role of the C2F domain of otoferlin. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 16, 1299509 (2023)
Chen, H.; Monga, M.; Fang, Q.; Slitin, L.; Neef, J.; Chepurwar, S. S.; Netto, R. C. M.; Lezirovitz, K.; Tabith Jr, A.; Benseler, F. et al.; Brose, N.; Kusch, K.; Wichmann, C.; Strenzke, N.; Vona, B.; Preobraschenski, J.; Moser, T.: Ca2+ binding to the C2E domain of otoferlin is required for hair cell exocytosis and hearing. Protein & Cell, pwad058 (2023)
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