QSB Gruppe Apr 2022

Publikationen von Ying Zhao

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Zhao, Y.; Fang, Q.; Sharma, S.; Jakhanwal, S.; Jahn, R.; Lindau, M.: All SNAP25 molecules in the vesicle–plasma membrane contact zone change conformation during vesicle priming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (2), e2309161121 (2024)
Singh, M.; Zhao, Y.; Daguano Gastaldi, V.; Wojcik, S. M.; Curto, Y.; Kawaguchi, R.; Merino, R.M.; Garcia-Agudo, L. F.; Taschenberger, H.; Brose, N. et al.; Geschwind, D.; Nave, K.-A.; Ehrenreich, H.: Erythropoietin re-wires cognition-associated transcriptional networks. Nature Communications 14, 4777 (2023)

Preprint (1)

Singh, M.; Zhao, Y.; Daguano Gastaldi, V.; Wojcik, S. M.; Curto, Y.; Kawaguchi, R.; Merino, R. M.; Garcia-Agudo, L. F.; Taschenberger, H.; Brose, N. et al.; Geschwind, D.; Nave, K.-A.; Ehrenreich, H.: Transcriptional networks predating cognition-associated pyramidal lineages are restructured by erythropoietin. (2023)
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