QSB Gruppe Apr 2022

Publikationen von Katarina Harasimov

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Cheng, S.; Altmeppen, G.; So, C.; Welp, L.; Penir, S. M.; Ruhwedel, T.; Menelaou, K.; Harasimov, K.; Stützer, A.; Blayney, M. et al.; Elder, K.; Möbius, W.; Urlaub, H.; Schuh, M.: Mammalian Oocytes Store mRNAs in a Mitochondria-Associated Membraneless Compartment. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey 78 (5), S. 280 - 281 (2023)
Harasimov, K.; Uraji, J.; Mönnich, E. U.; Holubcová, Z.; Elder, K.; Blayney, M.; Schuh, M.: Actin-driven chromosome clustering facilitates fast and complete chromosome capture in mammalian oocytes. Nature Cell Biology (2023)
Cheng, S.; Altmeppen, G.; So, C.; Welp, L.; Penir, S. M.; Ruhwedel, T.; Menelaou, K.; Harasimov, K.; Stützer, A.; Blayney, M. et al.; Elder, K.; Möbius, W.; Urlaub, H.; Schuh, M.: Mammalian oocytes store mRNAs in a mitochondria-associated membraneless compartment. Science 378 (6617), eabq4835 (2022)
So, C.; Menelaou, K.; Uraji, J.; Harasimov, K.; Steyer, A. M.; Seres, K. B.; Bucevičius, J.; Lukinavicius, G.; Möbius, W.; Sibold, C. et al.; Tandler-Schneider, A.; Eckel, H.; Moltrecht, R.; Blayney, M.; Elder, K.; Schuh, M.: Mechanism of spindle pole organization and instability in human oocytes. Science 375 (6581), eabj3944 (2022)
Harasimov, K.; Schuh, M.: Actin disassembly: How to contract without motors? Current Biology 28 (6), S. R275 - R277 (2018)
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