The New Campus Seminar Communication Award
The Campus Seminar Series
Two talks and two different topics combined: This is the Campus Seminar at the Max Planck Campus in Göttingen. Since autumn 2018, this series has been running in its current form and is jointly organized by Junior Faculty members of the MPI for Multidisciplinary Sciences (MPI-NAT) (formerly MPI for Biophysical Chemistry) and the MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPI-DS). The event is scheduled on Wednesday’s from 11 pm till noon. The talks are typically chosen in a way that two different areas of research are represented and address a broad scientific audience. Each talk lasts 20 minutes, after which there is time for a 10-minute discussion.
The Campus Seminar Communication Award
Since mid-September 2019, there has been an innovation at the Campus Seminar: Two prizes will be awarded every year for the best talks (participation is optional). One prize will go to a PhD student and one to a postdoc. “We will award the prize for the best talk and very good science communication skills. Everyone is encouraged to participate to tell us about their science”, explains Stefan Glöggler, who is one of the Campus Seminar’s organizers. Each prize is endowed with 1000 euros donated by the Manfred Eigen Foundation. The prize winners are selected in a peer review process in which the presenters of the campus seminar voted for most comprehensible talks. The prizes will be awarded in summer of the respective year.
Campus Seminar Communication Award 2023/2024
The Campus Seminar Communication Awards 2023/2024 go to Ninadini Sharma from the Department of Meiosis and Thornton Fokkens of the Ubiquitin Signaling Specificity research group. Congratulations!
Campus Seminar Communication Award 2022/2023
Many congratulations to Alexandre Webster of the Department of Meiosis and to Anh Nguyen of the research group Biochemistry of Signal Dynamics of the MPI-NAT for receiving the fourth Campus Seminar Communication Award.
Campus Seminar Communication Award 2021/2022
Marcel Levien of the research group Electron-Spin Resonance Spectroscopy and Constanze Depp of the Department of Neurogenetics at the MPI-NAT were awarded the third Campus Seminar Communication Award. Congratulations!
Campus Seminar Communication Award 2020/2021
We are happy to congratulate the awardees of the second Campus Seminar Communication Award 2021: Many congratulations go to Tomasso Cavazza of the Department of Meiosis and to Fabian Hecker of the research group Electron-Spin Resonance Spectroscopy at the MPI-NAT.
Campus Seminar Communication Award 2019/2020
The campus seminar goes into the summer break and at the same time we are happy to congratulate the awardees of the first Campus Seminar Communication Award 2019/2020: Mirna Kramar of the Karen Alim group of the MPI-DS and Mark Bates of the MPI-NAT (now employed at the Institut für Nanophysik (formerly Laser Laboratorium Göttingen).