Outing May 2022



Coming soon...

July 9 - 13: Marina will give a plenary lecture at the Euromar at Glasgow. Alex, Anne, Laura, Luming and Maik will attend and present their latest work there.

July 5: Anne presents her work at the MPI CAMPUS SEMINAR:  "Simulations of Pulsed ENDOR Sequences" 
June 15, 17:15 pm: Andreas gave his introduction talk to habilitating at the University of Göttingen.
June 15: Marina was chosen as the winner of the teaching award for the best independent teaching in the winter semester 2022/23 with her lecture on ESR spectroscopy. Congratulations!
May 30: Marina gives a talk at the University of Geneve on “Polarizing Nuclear Spins at the Interface between EPR and NMR Spectroscopy”.
April 30: Deepshikha leaves us after spending one year as a postdoc in our lab.

April 11: Marcel supervises Leonards Bachelor thesis on “Exploration of liquid state DNP at 9.4 Tesla.”

Fabian, Laura and Marvin joined the 2023 Annual International Meeting of the RSC interest Group ESR Spectroscopy March 27 - 30 in Leeds, England. more
March 26-27: Marina, Andreas, Alex, Anne & Maik attended the Minerva Workshop “Biological Magnetic Resonance: From Molecules to Patients” at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.
March 1: Welcome! Marvin joins for his PhD. He aims to develop broadband EPR spectroscopy.
February 1: We welcome Fehmke who is working on her Master thesis on the investigation of radical transfer in RNR via hyperfine spectroscopy.
Marina was honoured with a fellowship of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR). Congratulations!
January 15: Tomas leaves us for his new position at the National High Magnetic Field Labratory in Tallahassee, Florida.
We we warmly congratulate Luming on his Humboldt fellowship!
January 2, 2023: We start our “News” section.
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