
Journal Article (124)

Journal Article
Kehl, A.; Sielaff, L.; Remmel, L.; Rämisch, M. L.; Bennati, M.; Meyer, A.: Frequency and Time Domain 19F ENDOR Spectroscopy: Role of Nuclear Dipolar Couplings to Determine Distance Distributions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2024)
Journal Article
Remmel, L.; Meyer, A.; Ackermann, K.; Hagelueken, G.; Bennati, M.; Bode, B. E.: Pulsed EPR Methods in the Angstrom to Nanometre Scale Shed Light on the Conformational Flexibility of a Fluoride Riboswitch. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 63 (49), e202411241 (2024)
Journal Article
van der Ham, A.: Discontinuous hyperpolarization schemes in liquid-state overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Open 21, 100160 (2024)
Journal Article
Schmidt-Räntsch, T.; Verplancke, H.; Kehl, A.; Sun, J.; Bennati, M.; Holthausen, M. C.; Schneider, S.: C═C Dissociative Imination of Styrenes by a Photogenerated Metallonitrene. JACS Au 4 (9), pp. 3421 - 3426 (2024)
Journal Article
Levien, M.; Yang, L.; van der Ham, A.; Reinhard, M.; John, M.; Purea, A.; Ganz, J.; Marquardsen, T.; Tkach, I.; Orlando, T. et al.; Bennati, M.: Overhauser enhanced liquid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in one and two dimensions. Nature Communications 15, 5904 (2024)
Journal Article
Lin, J.; Zhang, H.; Asadi, M.; Zhao, K.; Yang, L.; Fan, Y.; Zhu, J.; Liu, Q.; Sun, L.; Xie, W.J. et al.; Duan, C.; Mo, F.; Dou, J.-H.: Machine Learning-Driven Discovery and Structure–Activity Relationship Analysis of Conductive Metal–Organic Frameworks. Chemistry of Materials 36 (11), pp. 5436 - 5445 (2024)
Journal Article
Rosenboom, J.; Taube, F.; Teichmeier, L.; Villinger, A.; Reinhard, M.; Demeshko, S.; Bennati, M.; Bresien, J.; Corzilius, B.; Schulz, A.: Rational Design of a Phosphorus-Centered Disbiradical. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 63 (10), e202318210 (2024)
Journal Article
Pozo, I.; Huang, Z.; Lombardi, F.; Alexandropoulos, D. I.; Kong, F.; Slota, M.; Tkach, I.; Bennati, M.; Deng, J.-R.; Stawski, W. et al.; Horton, P. N.; Coles, S. J.; Myers, W. K.; Bogani, L.; Anderson, H. L.: Enhanced coherence by coupling spins through a delocalized π-system: Vanadyl porphyrin dimers. Chem 10 (1), pp. 299 - 316 (2024)
Journal Article
Wiechers, H.; Kehl, A.; Hiller, M.; Eltzner, B.; Huckemann, S.F.; Meyer, A.; Tkach, I.; Bennati, M.; Pokern, Y.: Bayesian optimization to estimate hyperfine couplings from 19F ENDOR spectra. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 353, 107491 (2023)
Journal Article
Asanbaeva, N.; Novopashina, D. S.; Rogozhnikova, O.; Tormyshev, V. M.; Kehl, A.; Sukhanov, A.; Shernyukov, A. V.; Genaev, A.; Lomzov, A. A.; Bennati, M. et al.; Meyer, A.; Bagryanskaya, E.: 19F electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy for distance measurements using trityl spin labels in DNA duplexes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25, pp. 23454 - 23466 (2023)
Journal Article
Hecker, F.; Fries, L.; Hiller, M.; Chiesa, M.; Bennati, M.: 17O Hyperfine Spectroscopy Reveals Hydration Structure of Nitroxide Radicals in Aqueous Solutions. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 62 (4), e202213700 (2023)
Journal Article
Reinhard, M.; Levien, M.; Bennati, M.; Orlando, T.: Large 31P-NMR enhancements in liquid state dynamic nuclear polarization through radical/target molecule non-covalent interaction. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25, pp. 822 - 828 (2023)
Journal Article
Tan, K. O.; Yang, L.; Mardini, M.; Cheong, C. B.; Driesschaert, B.; Dinca, M.; Griffin, R. G.: Observing Nearby Nuclei on Paramagnetic Trityls and MOFs via DNP and Electron Decoupling. Chemistry – A European Journal 28 (68), e202202556 (2022)
Journal Article
Hiller, M.; Tkach, I.; Wiechers, H.; Eltzner, B.; Huckemann, S.; Pokern, Y.; Bennati, M.: Distribution of Hβ hyperfine couplings in a tyrosyl radical revealed by 263 GHz ENDOR spectroscopy. Applied Magnetic Resonance 53 (7-9), pp. 1015 - 1030 (2022)
Journal Article
Schürmann, C. J.; Teuteberg, T. T.; Stückl, A. C.; Ruth, P. N.; Hecker, F.; Herbst-Irmer, R.; Mata, R. A.; Stalke, D.: Trapping x‐ray radiation damage from homolytic Se–C bond cleavage in BnSeSeBn crystals (Bn=benzyl, CH2C6H5). Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61 (26), e202203665 (2022)
Journal Article
Meyer, A.; Kehl, A.; Cui, C.; Reichardt, F. A. K.; Hecker, F.; Funk, L.-M.; Ghosh, M. K.; Pan, K. T.; Urlaub, H.; Tittmann, K. et al.; Stubbe, J.; Bennati, M.: 19F Electron-nuclear double resonance reveals interaction between redox-active tyrosines across the α/β interface of E. coli ribonucleotide reductase. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144, pp. 11270 - 11282 (2022)
Journal Article
Saul, P.; Yang, S.; Mamone, S.; Opazo, F.; Meyer, A.; Rizzoli, S. O.; Glöggler, S.: Exotic nuclear spin behavior in dendritic macromolecules. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (46), pp. 26349 - 26355 (2021)
Journal Article
Kehl, A.; Hiller, M.; Hecker, F.; Tkach, I.; Dechert, S.; Bennati, M.; Meyer, A.: Resolution of chemical shift anisotropy in 19F ENDOR spectroscopy at 263 GHz/9.4 T. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 333, 107091 (2021)
Journal Article
Schiemann, O.; Heubach, C. A.; Abdullin, D.; Ackermann, K.; Azarkh, M.; Bagryanskaya, E. G.; Drescher, M.; Endeward, B.; Freed, J. H.; Galazzo, L. et al.; Goldfarb, D.; Hett, T.; Hofer, L. E.; Ibáñez, L. F.; Hustedt, E. J.; Kucher, S.; Kuprov, I.; Lovett, J. E.; Meyer, A.; Ruthstein, S.; Saxena, S.; Stoll, S.; Timmel, C. R.; Valentin, M. D.; Mchaourab, H. S.; Prisner, T. F.; Bode, B. E.; Bordignon, E.; Bennati, M.; Jeschke, G.: Benchmark test and guidelines for DEER/PELDOR experiments on nitroxide-labeled biomolecules. Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (43), pp. 17875 - 17890 (2021)
Journal Article
Hiller, M.; Tkach, I.; Wiechers, H.; Eltzner, B.; Huckemann, S.; Pokern, Y.; Bennati, M.: Distribution of Hβ hyperfine couplings in a tyrosyl radical revealed by 263 GHz ENDOR spectroscopy. Applied Magnetic Resonance, In Press (2021)
Journal Article
Sun, J.; Verplancke, H.; Schweizer, J. I.; Diefenbach, M.; Würtele, C.; Otte, M.; Tkach, I.; Herwig, C.; Limberg, C.; Demeshko, S. et al.; Holthausen, M. C.; Schneider, S.: Stabilizing P≡P: P22–, P2⋅–, and P20 as bridging ligands. Chem 7 (7), pp. 1952 - 1962 (2021)
Journal Article
Pokern, Y.; Eltzner, B.; Huckemann, S. F.; Beeken, C.; Stubbe, J.; Tkach, I.; Bennati, M.; Hiller, M.: Statistical analysis of ENDOR spectra. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 118 (27), e2023615118 (2021)
Journal Article
Hecker, F.; Stubbe, J.; Bennati, M.: Detection of water molecules on the radical transfer pathway of ribonucleotide reductase by 17O electron–nuclear double resonance spectroscopy. The Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (19), pp. 7237 - 7241 (2021)
Journal Article
Tkach, I.; Diederichsen, U.; Bennati, M.: Studies of transmembrane peptides by pulse dipolar spectroscopy with semi-rigid TOPP spin labels. European Biophysics Journal 50 (2), pp. 143 - 157 (2021)
Journal Article
Levien, M.; Reinhard, M.; Hiller, M.; Tkach, I.; Bennati, M.; Orlando, T.: Spin density localization and accessibility in organic radicals for liquid-state DNP efficiency. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (8), pp. 4480 - 4485 (2021)
Journal Article
Greene, B. L.; Kang, G.; Cui, C.; Bennati, M.; Nocera, D. G.; Drennan, C. L.; Stubbe, J.: Ribonucleotide reductases: Structure, chemistry, and metabolism suggest new therapeutic targets. Annual Review of Biochemistry 89, pp. 45 - 75 (2020)
Journal Article
Zapp, C.; Obarska-Kosinska, A.; Rennekamp, B.; Kurth, M.; Hudson, D. M.; Mercadante, D.; Barayeu, U.; Dick, T. P.; Denysenkov, V.; Prisner, T. et al.; Bennati, M.; Daday, C.; Kappl, R.; Gräter, F.: Mechanoradicals in tensed tendon collagen as a source of oxidative stress. Nature Communications 11, 2315 (2020)
Journal Article
Levien, M.; Hiller, M.; Tkach, I.; Bennati, M.; Orlando, T.: Nitroxide derivatives for dynamic nuclear polarization in liquids: The role of rotational diffusion. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11 (5), pp. 1629 - 1635 (2020)
Journal Article
Bennati, M.; Meyer, A.; Dechert, S.; Dey, S.; Höbartner, C.: Measurement of angstrom to nanometer molecular distances with 19F nuclear spins by EPR/ENDOR spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (1), pp. 373 - 379 (2020)
Journal Article
Bejenke, I.; Zeier, R.; Rizzato, R.; Glaser, S. J.; Bennati, M.: Cross-polarisation ENDOR for spin-1 deuterium nuclei. Molecular Physics 118 (18), e1763490 (2020)
Journal Article
Strohäker, T.; Jung, B. C.; Liou, S. H.; Fernandez, C. O.; Riedel, D.; Becker, S.; Halliday, G. M.; Bennati, M.; Kim, W. S.; Lee, S. J. et al.; Zweckstetter, M.: Structural heterogeneity of α-synuclein fibrils amplified from patient brain extracts. Nature Communications 10, 5535 (2019)
Journal Article
Tkach, I.; Bejenke, I.; Hecker, F.; Kehl, A.; Kasanmascheff, M.; Gromov, I.; Prisecaru, I.; Höfer, P.; Hiller, M.; Bennati, M.: 1H high field electron-nuclear double resonance spectroscopy at 263 GHz/9.4 T. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 303, pp. 17 - 27 (2019)
Journal Article
Albino, M.; Fantechi, E.; Innocenti, C.; Lopez-Ortega, A.; Bonanni, V.; Campo, G.; Pineider, F.; Gurioli, M.; Arosio, P.; Orlando, T. et al.; Bertoni, G.; Fernandez, C. D.; Lascialfari, A.; Sangregorio, C.: Role of Zn2+ substitution on the magnetic, hyperthermic, and relaxometric properties of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 123 (10), pp. 6148 - 6156 (2019)
Journal Article
Wegner, J.; Valora, G.; Halbmair, K.; Kehl, A.; Worbs, B.; Bennati, M.; Diederichsen, U.: Semi‐rigid nitroxide spin label for long‐range EPR distance measurements of lipid bilayer embedded β‐peptides. Chemistry - A European Journal 25 (9), pp. 2203 - 2207 (2019)
Journal Article
Orlando, T.; Dervisoglu, R.; Levien, M.; Tkach, I.; Prisner, T. F.; Andreas, L.; Denysenkov, V. P.; Bennati, M.: Dynamic nuclear polarization of ¹³C nuclei in the liquid state over a 10 Tesla field range. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58 (5), pp. 1402 - 1406 (2019)
Journal Article
Fleck, N.; Hett, T.; Brode, J.; Meyer, A.; Richert, S.; Schiemann, O.: C-C cross-coupling reactions of trityl radicals: Spin density delocalization, exchange coupling, and a spin label. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 84 (6), pp. 3293 - 3303 (2019)
Journal Article
Parigi, G.; Ravera, E.; Bennati, M.; Luchinat, C.: Understanding Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarisation through NMR relaxometry. Molecular Physics 117 (7-8), pp. 888 - 897 (2019)
Journal Article
Riemer , D.; Schilling, W.; Goetz, A.; Zhang, Y.; Gehrke, S.; Tkach, I.; Holloczki , O.; Das, S.: CO2-catalyzed efficient dehydrogenation of amines with detailed mechanistic and kinetic studies. ACS Catalysis 8 (12), pp. 11679 - 11687 (2018)
Journal Article
Jobelius, H.; Wagner, N.; Schnakenburg, G.; Meyer, A.: Verdazyls as possible building blocks for multifunctional molecular materials: A case study on 1,5-Diphenyl-3-(p-iodophenyl)-verdazyl focusing on magnetism, electron transfer and the applicability of the Sonogashira-Hagihara reaction. Molecules 23 (7), 1758 (2018)
Journal Article
Mariani, M.; Borsa, F.; Graf, M. J.; Sanna, S.; Filibian, M.; Orlando, T.; Sabareesh, K. P. V.; Cardona-Serra, S.; Coronado, E.; Lascialfari, A.: Spin dynamics in the single-ion magnet [Er(W5O18)2]9-. Physical Review B 97 (14), 144414 (2018)
Journal Article
Mao, Z.; Liou, S. H.; Khadka, N.; Jenney, F. E.; Goodin, D. B.; Seefeldt, L. C.; Adams, M. W. W.; Cramer, S. P.; Larsen, D. S.: Cluster-dependent charge-transfer dynamics in iron-sulfur proteins. Biochemistry 57 (6), pp. 978 - 990 (2018)
Journal Article
Lee, W.; Kasanmascheff, M.; Huynh, M.; Quartartaro, A.; Constentin, C.; Bejenke, I.; Nocera, D. G.; Bennati, M.; Tommos, C.; Stubbe, J.: Properties of site-specifically incorporated 3-Aminotyrosine in proteins to study redox-active tyrosines: E. coli ribonucleotide reductase as a paradigm. Biochemistry 57 (24), pp. 3402 - 3415 (2018)
Journal Article
Liu, G.; Liou, S. H.; Enkin, N.; Tkach, I.; Bennati, M.: Photo-induced radical polarization and liquid-state dynamic nuclear polarization using fullerene nitroxide derivatives. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (47), pp. 31823 - 31829 (2017)
Journal Article
Liou, S. H.; Myers, W. K.; Oswald, J. D.; Britt, R. D.; Goodin, D. B.: Putidaredoxin binds to the same site on cytochrome P450cam in the open and closed conformation. Biochemistry 56 (33), pp. 4371 - 4378 (2017)
Journal Article
Nick, T. U.; Ravichandran, K. R.; Stubbe, J.; Kasanmascheff, M.; Bennati, M.: Spectroscopic evidence for a H bond network at Y356 located at the subunit interface of active E. coli ribonucleotide reductase. Biochemistry 56 (28), pp. 3647 - 3656 (2017)
Journal Article
Liu, G.; Levien, M.; Karschin, N.; Parigi, G.; Luchinat, C.; Bennati, M.: One-thousand-fold enhancement of high field liquid nuclear magnetic resonance signals at room temperature. Nature Chemistry 9 (7), pp. 676 - 680 (2017)
Journal Article
Basini, M.; Orlando, T.; Arosio, P.; Casula, M. F.; Espa, D.; Murgia, S.; Sangregorio, C.; Innocenti, C.; Lascialfari, A.: Local spin dynamics of iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles dispersed in different solvents with variable size and shape: A H-1 NMR study. The Journal of Chemical Physics 146 (3), 034703 (2017)
Journal Article
Halbmair, K.; Wegner, J.; Diederichsen, U.; Bennati, M.: Pulse EPR measurements of intramolecular distances in a TOPP-labeled transmembrane peptide in lipids. Biophysical Journal 111 (11), pp. 2345 - 2348 (2016)
Journal Article
Orlando, T.; Filibian, M.; Sanna, S.; Gimenez-Agullo, N.; de Pipaon, C. S.; Ballester, P.; Galan-Mascaros, J. R.; Carretta, P.: Persistence of slow dynamics in Tb(OETAP)(2) single molecule magnets embedded in conducting polymers. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28 (38), 386002 (2016)
Journal Article
Orlando, T.; Albino, M.; Orsini, F.; Innocenti, C.; Basini, M.; Arosio, P.; Sangregorio, C.; Corti, M.; Lascialfari, A.: On the magnetic anisotropy and nuclear relaxivity effects of Co and Ni doping in iron oxide nanoparticles. Journal of Applied Physics 119 (13), 134301 (2016)
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