Liste der Publikationen
- V Petrychenko, SH Yi, BZ Peng, D Liedtke, MV Rodnina, N Fischer. “Structural basis for translational control by the human 48S initiation complex.” Nat Struct Mol Biol (2024).
- SH Yi, V Petrychenko, JE Schliep, A Goyal, A Linden, A, A Chari, H Urlaub, H Stark, MV Rodnina, S Adio, N Fischer. “Conformational rearrangements upon start codon recognition in human 48S translation initiation complex.” Nucleic Acids Research (2022), 50 (9), 5282 – 5298.
V Petrychenko, BZ Peng, AC de AP Schwarzer, F Peske, MV Rodnina, N Fischer. “Structural mechanism of GTPase-powered ribosome-tRNA movement.” Nature Communications (2021), 12, 5933.
KM Yip, N Fischer, E Paknia, A Chari, H Stark. “Atomic resolution protein structure determination by cryo-EM.” Nature (2020), 587 (7832), 157-161.
KH Chan, V Petrychenko, C Mueller, C Maracci, W Holtkamp, DN Wilson, N Fischer & MV Rodnina. “Mechanism of ribosome rescue by alternative ribosome-rescue factor B.” Nature Communications (2020), 11, 4106.
MV Rodnina, N Fischer, C Maracci, H Stark. “Ribosome dynamics during decoding.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 (2017), 372:20160182.
N Fischer, P Neumann, LV Bock, C Maracci, Z Wang, A Paleskava, AL Konevega, GF Schröder, H Grubmüller, R Ficner, MV Rodnina, H Stark. “The pathway to GTPase activation of elongation factor SelB on the ribosome.” Nature (2016), 540 (7631), 80-85.
A Chari, D Haselbach, JM Kirves, J Ohmer, E Paknia, N Fischer, O Ganichkin, V Möller, JJ Frye, G Petzold, M Jarvis, M Tietzel, C Grimm, JM Peters, BA Schulman, K Tittmann, J Markl, U Fischer, H Stark. “ProteoPlex: stability optimization of macromolecular complexes by sparse-matrix screening of chemical space.” Nature Methods (2015), 12 (9), 859-865.
F Hauer, C Gerle, N Fischer, A Oshima, K Shinzawa-Itoh, S Shimada, K Yokoyama, Y Fujiyoshi, H Stark. “GraDeR: membrane protein complex preparation for single-particle cryo-EM.” Structure (2015), 23 (9), 1769-1775.
S Adio, T Senyushkina, F Peske, N Fischer, W Wintermeyer, MV Rodnina. “Fluctuations between multiple EF-G-induced chimeric tRNA states during translocation on the ribosome.” Nature Communications (2015), 6 (1), 1-11.
N Fischer, P Neumann*, AL Konevega, LV Bock, R Ficner, MV Rodnina, H Stark. “Structure of the E. coli ribosome-EF-Tu complex at <3 Å resolution by Cs-corrected cryo-EM.” Nature (2015), 520, 567–570.
LV Bock, C Blau, GF Schröder, II Davydov, N Fischer, H Stark, MV Rodnina, AC Vaiana, H Grubmüller. “Energy barriers and driving forces in tRNA translocation through the ribosome”. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology (2013), 20 (12), 1390.
W Wintermeyer, A Savelsbergh, AL Konevega, F Peske, VI Katunin, YP Semenkov, N Fischer, H Stark, MV Rodnina. “Functions of elongation factor G in translocation and ribosome recycling.” In: Ribosomes (2011), 329-338, Springer Vienna.
N Fischer, AL Konevega, W Wintermeyer, MV Rodnina, H Stark. “Ribosome dynamics and tRNA movement by time-resolved electron cryomicroscopy.” Nature (2010), 466 (7304), 329-333.
B Kastner, N Fischer, MM Golas, B Sander, P Dube, D Boehringer, K Hartmuth, J Deckert, F Hauer, E Wolf, H Uchtenhagen, H Urlaub, F Herzog, JM Peters, D Poerschke, R Lührmann, H Stark. “GraFix: sample preparation for single-particle electron cryomicroscopy“. Nature Methods (2008), 5 (1), 53-55.
N Fischer, A Paleskava, KB Gromadski, AL Konevega, MC Wahl, H Stark, MV Rodnina. “Towards understanding selenocysteine incorporation into bacterial proteins.” Biological Chemistry (2007), 388 (10), 1061-1067.
AL Konevega, N Fischer, YP Semenkov, H Stark, W Wintermeyer, MV Rodnina. “Spontaneous reverse movement of mRNA-bound tRNA through the ribosome.” Nature Structural and Molecular Biology (2007), 14 (4), 318-324.
M Diaconu, U Kothe, F Schlünzen, N Fischer, JM Harms, AG Tonevitsky, H Stark, MV Rodnina, MC Wahl. “Structural basis for the function of the ribosomal L7/12 stalk in factor binding and GTPase activation.” Cell (2005) 121 (7), 991-1004.
MM Garcia-Mira, M Sadqi, N Fischer, JM Sanchez-Ruiz, V Munoz. “Experimental identification of downhill protein folding.” Science (2002), 298 (5601), 2191-2195.