Publications of B. B. Lee

Conference Paper (5)

Conference Paper
Tigwell, D.A.; Sauter, J.; Lee, B. B.: Luminace ratio and the spectral responsiveness of concentric cells in the striate cortex of the monkey. Perception 16 (2), p. 261 - 261 (1987)
Conference Paper
Lee, B. B.; Valberg, A.; Langemalecki, B.: Visual resolution and center-size of macaque retinal ganglion-cells. Perception 15 (1), p. A4 - A4 (1986)
Conference Paper
Valberg, A.; Seim, T.; Lee, B. B.: Neural mechanisms for color scaling in the primate. Perception 15 (1), p. A26 - A26 (1986)
Conference Paper
Valberg, A.; Lee, B. B.; Tigwell, D.A.; Creutzfeldt, O. D.: Cerebral events in voluntary movement: The supplementary motor and premotor areas. Experimental Brain Research 58 (3), p. A1 - A1 (1985)
Conference Paper
Tigwell, D.A.; Lee, B. B.; Valberg, A.: S-cone inputs to cells of the macaque lateral geniculate-nucleus. Perception 14 (1), p. A23 - A23 (1985)
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