Crystallization Facility
The Crystallization Facility offers a high-throughput, nanovolume screening service for all researchers at the institute with crystallographic projects. High-throughput crystallization experiments are stored in two automated imaging systems at 4 °C and/or 20 °C. Network capabilities allow users to analyze their imaged crystallization experiments from their own lab computer. Initial X-ray in-situ diffraction analysis of crystallization hits via a PX scanner allows users to comfortably differentiate between protein and salt crystals.
The facility assists in the reproduction and optimization of initial crystallization hits via advanced liquid handling robotics. Bench space at 4 °C and 20 °C as well as equipment for manual refinement is available. The facility provides dry shipping equipment for crystals and offers a regular synchrotron shipping service to simplify transport logistics for our users. A dedicated workstation for remote data collection is available.
To collect diffraction data in house, researchers at the institute can access a Metaljet X-ray home source upon request.
Equipment currently used
- RockMaker crystallization software (Formulatrix, version 1.11) – manages our entire experimentation process – from design and dispense to image viewing and analysis.
- Crystal Gryphon (Art Robbins Instruments) – used for our default 100nl + 100nl screening service
- Crystal Gryphon LCP (Art Robbins Instruments) – supports HTP seeding experiments within our screening service
- Cartesian 8-channel Nanodispenser – saves sample by dispensing 60nl + 60nl droplets
- Rockimager Imaging Hotels (Formulatrix) at 20°C & 4°C – automated imaging of crystallization experiments
- Tecan Evo 150 with 8 needles – Liquid Handler for Refinement
- Liquidator 96 (Mettler-Toledo) – Manual Pipetting System
- PX Scanner (Rigaku) – in situ diffraction screening from HTP crystallization plates
- Tools, Equipment and chemical solutions for manipulation, optimization, cryoprotection, freezing and storage of crystals
- M125 stereomicroscopes (Leica) at 20°C & 4°C with optional polarizing filters, one with a camera
- Dry shipping Equipment (CX 100 dryshippers and transport containers)
- Sample changer equipment (SPINE pucks, Unipucks) for synchrotrons and the institute's Metaljet home source
The Crystallization Facility is hosted and managed by the Department of Molecular Biology. To access our services, follow the instructions on our intranet.