Who are we?
The PhD/Postdoc Community has a very simple structure: if you are a PhD student or a Postdoc at our institute and would like to be involved in organizing activities, promoting specific causes, and addressing any issues, you can volunteer. All students that volunteer to take part in the organization of events and other activities are members of the PhD/Postdoc Committee. Currently as the number of students involved has been dwindling over the past years, we are restarting and reinventing the structure and activities of the PhD/Postdoc community. At the moment, the PhD/Postdoc Committee consists of members listed here: https://www.mpinat.mpg.de/4096265/team.
From a more official point of view, the PhDNet (our german-wide organization) organizes yearly election for the 'external' representative. This is the official contact person for the steering board of PhDNet for anything related to our institute. Currently (2023), Lisa Maria Fries is the elected external PhD representative from our institute. If you are interested to join the group of internal PhD representative, contact phdrep@mpinat.mpg.de .
If you would like to get involved (to any extend) please email us at our PhD/Postdoc Community email or approach any of us personally to get more information.