
Journal Article (17)

Journal Article
Nguyen, A.; Faesen, A. C.: The role of the HORMA domain proteins ATG13 and ATG101 in initiating autophagosome biogenesis. FEBS Letters 598 (1), pp. 114 - 126 (2024)
Journal Article
Patel, A.; Faesen, A. C.: Metamorphosis by ATG13 and ATG101 in human autophagy initiation. Autophagy 20 (4), pp. 968 - 969 (2024)
Journal Article
Nguyen, A.; Lugarini, F.; David, C.; Hosnani, P.; Alagöz, Ç.; Friedrich, A.; Schlütermann, D.; Knotkova, B.; Patel, A.; Parfentev, I. et al.; Urlaub, H.; Meinecke, M.; Stork, B.; Faesen, A. C.: Metamorphic proteins at the basis of human autophagy initiation and lipid transfer. Molecular Cell 83 (12), pp. 2077 - 2090.e12 (2023)
Journal Article
Susvirkar, V.; Faesen, A. C.: Shieldin complex assembly kinetics and DNA binding by SHLD3. Communications Biology 6 (1), 384 (2023)
Journal Article
de Krijger, I.; Föhr, B.; Pérez, S. H.; Vincendeau, E.; Serrat, J.; Thouin, A.; Susvirkar, V.; Lescale, C.; Paniagua, I.; Hoekman, L. et al.; Kaur, S.; Altelaar, M.; Deriano, L.; Faesen, A. C.; Jacobs, J. L.: MAD2L2 dimerization and TRIP13 control shieldin activity in DNA repair. Nature Communications 12, 5421 (2021)
Journal Article
Pesenti, M. E.; Prumbaum, D.; Auckland, P.; Smith, C. M.; Faesen, A. C.; Petrovic, A.; Erent, M.; Maffini, S.; Pentakota, S.; Weir, J. R. et al.; Lin, Y. C.; Raunser, S.; McAinsh, A. D.; Musacchio, A.: Reconstitution of a 26-subunit human kinetochore reveals cooperative microtubule binding by CENP-OPQUR and NDC80. Molecular Cell 71 (6), pp. 923 - 939 (2018)
Journal Article
Overlack, K.; Bange, T.; Weissmann, F.; Faesen, A. C.; Maffini, S.; Primorac, I.; Müller, F.; Peters, J. M.; Musaccio, A.: BubR1 promotes Bub3-dependent APC/C inhibition during Spindle Assembly Checkpoint signaling. Current Biology 27 (19), pp. 2915 - 2927 (2017)
Journal Article
Faesen, A. C.; Thanasoula, M.; Maffini, S.; Breit, C.; Müller, F.; va Gerwen, S.; Bange, T.; Musacchio, A.: Basis of catalytic assembly of the mitotic checkpoint complex. Nature 542 (7642), pp. 498 - 502 (2017)
Journal Article
Weir, J. R.; Faesen, A. C.; Klare, K.; Petrovic, A.; Basilico, F.; Fischbock, J.; Pentakota, S.; Keller, J.; Pesenti, M. E.; Pan, D. et al.; Vogt, D.; Wohlgemuth, S.; Herzog, F.; Musacchio, A.: Insights from biochemical reconstitution into the architecture of human kinetochores. Nature 537 (7619), pp. 249 - 253 (2016)
Journal Article
Friese, A.; Faesen, A. C.; in 't Veld, P. J. H.; Fischbock, J.; Prumbaum, D.; Petrovic, A.; Raunser, S.; Herzog, F.; Musacchio, A.: Molecular requirements for the inter-subunit interaction and kinetochore recruitment of SKAP and Astrin. Nature Communications 11, 11407 (2016)
Journal Article
Meyer, R.; Faesen, A.; Vogel, K.; Jeganathan, S.; Musacchio, A.; Niemeyer, C. M.: DNA-directed assembly of capture tools for constitutional studies of large protein complexes. Small 11 (22), pp. 2669 - 2674 (2015)
Journal Article
Clerici, M.; Luna-Vargas, M. P. A.; Faesen, A. C.; Sixma, T. K.: The DUSP-Ubl domain of USP4 enhances its catalytic efficiency by promoting ubiquitin exchange. Nature Communications 5, 5399 (2014)
Journal Article
Faesen, A. C.; Luna-Vargas, M. P. A.; Sixma, T. K.: The role of UBL domains in ubiquitin-specific proteases. Biochemical Society Transactions 40 (3), pp. 539 - 545 (2012)
Journal Article
Faesen, A. C.; Luna-Vargas, M. P. A.; Geurink, P. P.; Clerici, M.; Merkx, R.; van Dijk, W. J.; Hameed, D. S.; El Oualid, F.; Ovaa, H.; Sixma, T. K.: The differential modulation of USP activity by internal regulatory domains, interactors and eight ubiquitin chain types. Chemistry and Biology 18 (12), pp. 1550 - 1561 (2011)
Journal Article
Faesen, A. C.; Dirac, A.M.G.; Shanmugham, A.; Ovaa, H.; Perrakis, A.; Sixma, T. K.: Mechanism of USP7/HAUSP activation by its C-terminal ubiquitin-like domain and allosteric regulation by GMP-synthetase. Molecular Cell 44 (1), pp. 147 - 159 (2011)
Journal Article
Shanmugham, A.; Fish, A.; Luna-Vargas, M. P. A.; Faesen, A. C.; El Oualid, F.; Sixma, T. K.; Ovaa, H.: Nonhydrolyzable ubiquitin-isopeptide isosteres as deubiquitinating enzyme probes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (26), pp. 8834 - 8835 (2010)
Journal Article
Evers, T. H.; van Dongen, E. M. W. M.; Faesen, A. C.; Meijer, E. W.; Merkx, M.: Quantitative understanding of the energy transfer between fluorescent proteins connected via flexible peptide linkers. Biochemistry 45 (44), pp. 13183 - 13192 (2006)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Faesen, A. C.; Sixma, T. K.; Everett, R. D.: Ubiquitin-specific protease USP7. In: Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes, pp. 2057 - 2062 (Eds. Rawlings, N. D.; Salvesen, G. S.) (2013)

Editorial (1)

Faesen, A. C.; Musacchio, A.: The (phospho) needle in the (MELT) Haystack. Molecular Cell 57 (5), pp. 765 - 766 (2015)
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