Kolja Schnoor

Kolja Schnoor

PhD Student


Tel. +49 551 201-26110

I graduated from the University of Lübeck with my B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Molecular Life Science. During my studies, I completed projects in various research fields. In my bachelor’s thesis, I established bioorthogonal labeling to investigate the interaction between pestiviral NS2-3 and cellular DNAJC-14/Jiv. For an internship, I analyzed the gene expression of chemokines and their receptors in different spleen compartments of inflammatory stimulated mice. Finally, during my master’s thesis, I investigated effects of metformin on HIF-1 signaling and metabolism in different inflammatory stimulated glia cultures at different oxygen concentrations.

I am interested in basic molecular biology research, establishing new methods to answer complex scientific questions, and I am curious to learn more about new model systems. Therefore, I am joining the Rink lab. In my Ph.D. project, I will work on the regulation of body size by developing new assays to measure metabolic rate scaling in planarians and investigate the role of oxygen to understand the mechanistic basis of Kleiber’s law. In my free time, I like to read a good book (while drinking a cup of good tea), play the flute, and meet friends.

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