Morten Flieger

Position: MSc student

Home town: Hamburg, Germany

Freetime favorites: bouldering, climbing, hiking, traveling

Studying BSc Biochemistry at the University of Göttingen, I became fascinated with enzymes and their catalytic abilities. I was particularly drawn to the core of my discipline: chemical mechanisms within biology. During my Bachelor’s thesis in the laboratory of Prof. Franc Meyer, I focussed predominantly on chemistry, seeking to mimic catalytically active metal centres of enzymes. During my MSc studies at the IMPRS Molecular Biology, I transitioned to a more biological focus, with an emphasis on structural biology. I gained insights in X-ray crystallography and enzyme catalysis as a rotation student with Prof. Kai Tittmann and was introduced to cryo-EM in the group of Prof. Holger Stark. For my third lab rotation and MSc thesis project, I joined Dr. Sonja Lorenz’ group, where I am combining methods of biochemistry and structural biology to examine the chemistry of ubiquitination enzymes.

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