
Journal Article (135)

Journal Article
Jooss, C.; Seibt, M.; Wenderoth, M.; Bünermann, O.; Bunjes, O.; Domröse, T.; Eckel, C.; Falorsi, F.; Flathmann, C.; Kolek Martinez de Azagra, M. et al.; Krüger, M.; Lindner, J.; Meyer, T.; Ropers, C.; Ross, U.; Rossnagel, K.; Lalithambika, S. S. N.; Techert, S.; Traeger, G. A.; Volkert, C.; Weitz, R. T.; Wodtke, A. M.: Advancing Energy Materials by In Situ Atomic Scale Methods. Advanced Energy Materials (2025)
Journal Article
Henke, J.-W.; Jeng, H.; Ropers, C.: Probing electron-photon entanglement using a quantum eraser. Physical Review A 111, 012610 (2025)
Journal Article
Domröse, T.; Fernandez, N.; Eckel, C.; Rossnagel, K.; Weitz, R.T.; Ropers, C.: Nanoscale Operando Imaging of Electrically Driven Charge-Density Wave Phase Transitions. Nano Letters 24 (40), pp. 12476 - 12485 (2024)
Journal Article
Domröse, T.; Ropers, C.: Femtosecond trimer quench in the unconventional charge-density-wave material 1⁢T'−TaTe2. Physical Review B 110 (8), 085155 (2024)
Journal Article
Titze, T.; Koraltan, S.; Schmidt, T.; Möller, M.; Bruckner, F.; Abert, C.; Suess, D.; Ropers, C.; Steil, D.; Albrecht, M. et al.; Mathias, S.: Laser-Induced Real-Space Topology Control of Spin Wave Resonances. Advanced Functional Materials 34 (30), 2313619 (2024)
Journal Article
Christensen, D. V.; Staub, U.; Devidas, T. R.; Kalisky, B.; Nowack, K. C.; Webb, J. L.; Andersen, U. L.; Huck, A.; Broadway, D. A.; Wagner, K. et al.; Maletinsky, P.; van der Sar, T.; Du, C. R.; Yacoby, A.; Collomb, D.; Bending, S.; Oral, A.; Hug, H. J.; Mandru, A.-O.; Neu, V.; Schumacher, H. W.; Sievers, S.; Saito, H.; Khajetoorians, A. A.; Hauptmann, N.; Baumann, S.; Eichler, A.; Degen, C. L.; McCord, J.; Vogel, M.; Fiebig, M.; Fischer, P.; Hierro-Rodriguez, A.; Finizio, S.; Dhesi, S. S.; Donnelly, C.; Büttner, F.; Kfir, O.; Hu, W.; Zayko, S.; Eisebitt, S.; Pfau, B.; Frömter, R.; Kläui, M.; Yasin, F. S.; McMorran, B. J.; Seki, S.; Yu, X.; Lubk, A.; Wolf, D.; Pryds, N.; Makarov, D.; Poggio, M.: 2024 roadmap on magnetic microscopy techniques and their applications in materials science. Journal of Physics: Materials 7 (3), 032501 (2024)
Journal Article
Horstmann, J. G.; Böckmann, H.; Kurtz, F.; Storeck, G.; Ropers, C.: Structural dynamics in atomic indium wires on silicon: From ultrafast probing to coherent vibrational control. Progress in Surface Science 99 (2), 100743 (2024)
Journal Article
Synanidis, A. P.; Gonçalves, P. A. D.; Ropers, C.; de Abajo, F. J. G.: Quantum effects in the interaction of low-energy electrons with light. Science Advances 10 (25), eadp4096 (2024)
Journal Article
Gaida, J. H.; Lourenço-Martins, H.; Sivis, M.; Rittmann, T.; Feist, A.; García de Abajo, F. J.; Ropers, C.: Attosecond electron microscopy by free-electron homodyne detection. Nature Photonics 18, pp. 509 - 515 (2024)
Journal Article
Kurtz, F.; Dauwe, T. N.; Yalunin, S. V.; Storeck, G.; Horstmann, J. G.; Böckmann, H.; Ropers, C.: Non-thermal phonon dynamics and a quenched exciton condensate probed by surface-sensitive electron diffraction. Nature Materials 23, pp. 890 - 897 (2024)
Journal Article
Epp, D.; Schröder, B.; Möller, M.; Ropers, C.: Gigahertz streaking and compression of low-energy electron pulses. Structural Dynamics 11 (2), 024306 (2024)
Journal Article
Battistelli, R.; Metternich, D.; Schneider, M.; Kern, L.-M.; Litzius, K.; Fuchs, J.; Klose, C.; Gerlinger, K.; Bagschik, K.; Günther, C.M. et al.; Engel, D.; Ropers, C.; Eisebitt, S.; Pfau, B.; Büttner, F.; Zayko, S.: Coherent x-ray magnetic imaging with 5 nm resolution. Optica 11 (2), pp. 234 - 237 (2024)
Journal Article
Yang, Y.; Henke, J.-W.; Raja, A.S.; Kappert, F. J.; Huang, G.; Arend, G.; Qiu, Z.; Feist, A.; Wang, R.N.; Tusnin, A. et al.; Tikan, A.; Ropers, C.; Kippenberg, T.J.: Free-electron interaction with nonlinear optical states in microresonators. Science 383 (6679), pp. 168 - 173 (2024)
Journal Article
Gutberlet, T.; Chang, H.-T.; Zayko, S.; Sivis, M.; Ropers, C.: High-sensitivity extreme-ultraviolet transient absorption spectroscopy enabled by machine learning. Optics Express 31 (24), pp. 39757 - 39764 (2023)
Journal Article
Gaida, J. H.; Lourenço-Martins, H.; Yalunin, S. V.; Feist, A.; Sivis, M.; Hohage, T.; García de Abajo, F. J.; Ropers, C.: Lorentz microscopy of optical fields. Nature Communications 14 (1), 6545 (2023)
Journal Article
Haindl, R.; Feist, A.; Domröse, T.; Möller, M.; Gaida, J. H.; Yalunin, S. V.; Ropers, C.: Coulomb-correlated electron number states in a transmission electron microscope beam. Nature Physics 19, pp. 1410 - 1417 (2023)
Journal Article
Domröse, T.; Danz, T.; Schaible, S. F.; Rossnagel, K.; Yalunin, S. V.; Ropers, C.: Light-induced hexatic state in a layered quantum material. Nature Materials 22, pp. 1345 - 1351 (2023)
Journal Article
Huang, G.; Engelsen, N. J.; Kfir, O.; Ropers, C.; Kippenberg, T. J.: Electron-Photon quantum state heralding using photonic integrated circuits. PRX Quantum 4 (2), 020351 (2023)
Journal Article
García De Abajo, F.J.; Ropers, C.: Spatiotemporal Electron Beam Focusing through Parallel Interactions with Shaped Optical Fields. Physical Review Letters 130 (24), 246901 (2023)
Journal Article
Heinrich, T.; Chang, H.-T.; Zayko, S.; Rossnagel, K.; Sivis, M.; Ropers, C.: Electronic and structural fingerprints of charge density wave excitations in extreme ultraviolet transient absorption spectroscopy. Physical Review X 13, 021033 (2023)
Journal Article
Oh, J.; Chang, H.-T.; Chen, C. T.; Aloni, S.; Schwartzberg, A.; Leone, S. R.: Carrier and Phonon Dynamics in Multilayer WSe2 Captured by Extreme Ultraviolet Transient Absorption Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127 (10), pp. 5004 - 5012 (2023)
Journal Article
Feist, A.: Ultrafast plasmonics shapes electron beams. Nature Materials 22 (3), pp. 280 - 281 (2023)
Journal Article
Haindl, R.; Köster, K.; Gaida, J. H.; Franz, M.; Feist, A.; Ropers, C.: Femtosecond tunable-wavelength photoassisted cold field emission. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 129 (3), 40 (2023)
Journal Article
Traeger, G. A.; Teichmann, M. H.; Schröder, B.; Wenderoth, M.: Combining grating-coupled illumination and image recognition for stable and localized optical scanning tunneling microscopy. Review of Scientific Instruments 94 (2), 023702 (2023)
Journal Article
Boeckmann, H.; Horstmann, J. G.; Razzaq, A. S.; Wippermann, S.; Ropers, C.: Mode-selective ballistic pathway to a metastable electronic phase. Structural Dynamics 9 (4), 045102 (2022)
Journal Article
Feist, A.; Huang, G.; Arend, G.; Yang, Y.; Henke, J.-W.; Raja, A. S.; Kappert, F. J.; Wang, R. N.; Lourenço-Martins, H.; Qiu, Z. et al.; Liu, J.; Kfir, O.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Ropers, C.: Cavity-mediated electron-photon pairs. Science 377 (6607), pp. 777 - 780 (2022)
Journal Article
Bach, N.; Feist, A.; Möller, M.; Ropers, C.; Schaefer, S.: Tailored nanophononic wavefield in a patterned bilayer system probed by ultrafast convergent beam electron diffraction. Structural Dynamics 9 (3), 034301 (2022)
Journal Article
Möller, M.; Gaida, J. H.; Ropers, C.: Pinning and gyration dynamics of magnetic vortices revealed by correlative Lorentz and bright-field imaging. Physical Review Research 4 (1), 013027 (2022)
Journal Article
Sidiropoulos, T. . .; Palo, N. D.; Rivas, D. .; Severino, S.; Reduzzi, M.; Nandy, B.; Bauerhenne, B.; Krylow, S.; Vasileiadis, T.; Danz, T. et al.; Elliott, P.; Sharma, S.; Dewhurst, K.; Ropers, C.; Joly, Y.; Garcia, M. .; Wolf, M.; Ernstorfer, R.; Biegert, J.: Probing the Energy Conversion Pathways between Light, Carriers, and Lattice in Real Time with Attosecond Core-Level Spectroscopy. Physical Review X 11 (4), 041060 (2021)
Journal Article
Henke, J.-W.; Raja, A. S.; Feist, A.; Huang, G.; Arend, G.; Yang, Y.; Kappert, F. J.; Wang, R. N.; Möller, M.; Pan, J. et al.; Liu, J.; Kfir, O.; Ropers, C.; Kippenberg, T. J.: Integrated photonics enables continuous-beam electron phase modulation. Nature 600 (7890), pp. 653 - 658 (2021)
Journal Article
Zayko, S.; Kfir, O.; Heigl, M.; Lohmann, M.; Sivis, M.; Albrecht, M.; Ropers, C.: Ultrafast high-harmonic nanoscopy of magnetization dynamics. Nature Communications 12, 6337 (2021)
Journal Article
Yalunin, S. V.; Feist, A.; Ropers, C.: Tailored high-contrast attosecond electron pulses for coherent excitation and scattering. Physical Review Research 3 (3), L032036 (2021)
Journal Article
Harvey, T. R.; da Silva, N. R.; Gaida, J. H.; Möller, M.; Feist, A.; Schäfer, S.; Ropers, C.: Ultrafast electron microscopy for probing magnetic dynamics. MRS Bulletin 46, pp. 711 - 719 (2021)
Journal Article
Heinrich, T.; Taucer, M.; Kfir, O.; Corkum, P. B.; Staudte, A.; Ropers, C.; Sivis, M.: Chiral high-harmonic generation and spectroscopy on solid surfaces using polarization-tailored strong fields. Nature Communications 12, 3723 (2021)
Journal Article
Storeck, G.; Rossnagek, K.; Ropers, C.: Ultrafast spot-profile LEED of a charge-density wave phase transition. Applied Physics Letters 118 (22), 221603 (2021)
Journal Article
Kfir, O.; Di Giulio, V.; Garcia de Abajo, F. J.; Ropers, C.: Optical coherence transfer mediated by free electrons. Science Advances 7 (18), eabf6380 (2021)
Journal Article
Di Giulio, V.; Kfir, O.; Ropers, C.; Garcia de Abajo, F. J.: Modulation of cathodoluminescence emission by interference with external light. ACS Nano 15 (4), pp. 7290 - 7304 (2021)
Journal Article
Liebtrau, M.; Sivis, M.; Feist, A.; Lourenço-Martins, H.; Pazos-Pérez, N.; Alvarez-Puebla, R. A.; García de Abajo, F. J.; Polman, A.; Ropers, C.: Spontaneous and stimulated electron–photon interactions in nanoscale plasmonic near fields. Light: Science & Applications 10, 82 (2021)
Journal Article
Danz, T.; Domröse, T.; Ropers, C.: Ultrafast nanoimaging of the order parameter in a structural phase transition. Science 371 (6527), pp. 371 - 374 (2021)
Journal Article
Büttner, F.; Pfau, B.; Böttcher, M.; Schneider, M.; Mercurio, G.; Günther, C.M.; Hessing, P.; Klose, C.; Wittmann, A.; Gerlinger, K. et al.; Kern, L.-M.; Strüber, C.; von Korff Schmising, C.; Fuchs, J.; Engel, D.; Churikova, A.; Huang, S.; Suzuki, D.; Lemesh, I.; Huang, M.; Caretta, L.; Weder, D.; Gaida, J.H.; Möller, M.; Harvey, T.R.; Zayko, S.; Bagschik, K.; Carley, R.; Mercadier, L.; Schlappa, J.; Yaroslavtsev, A.; Le Guyarder, L.; Gerasimova, N.; Scherz, A.; Deiter, C.; Gort, R.; Hickin, D.; Zhu, J.; Turcato, M.; Lomidze, D.; Erdinger, F.; Castoldi, A.; Maffessanti, S.; Porro, M.; Samartsev, A.; Sinova, J.; Ropers, C.; Mentink, J.H.; Dupé, B.; Beach, G.S.D.; Eisebitt, S.: Observation of fluctuation-mediated picosecond nucleation of a topological phase. Nature Materials 20 (1), pp. 30 - 37 (2021)
Journal Article
Wang, K.; Dahan, R.; Nehemia, S.; Reinhardt, O.; Tsesses, S.; Kaminer, I.; Kfir, O.; Lourenço-Martins, H.; Feist, A.; Ropers, C. et al.; Kippenberg, T. J.: Toward quantum optics with free electrons. Optics and Photonics News 31 (12), p. 35 (2020)
Journal Article
Feist, A.; Yalunin, S.V.; Schäfer, S.; Ropers, C.: High-purity free-electron momentum states prepared by three-dimensional optical phase modulation. Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043227 (2020)
Journal Article
Horstmann, J. G.; Böckmann, H.; Wit, B.; Kurtz, F.; Storeck, G.; Ropers, C.: Coherent control of a surface structural phase transition. Nature 583 (7815), pp. 232 - 236 (2020)
Journal Article
Kfir, O.; Lourenço-Martins, H.; Storeck, G.; Sivis, M.; Harvey, T.R.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Feist, A.; Ropers, C.: Controlling free electrons with optical whispering-gallery modes. Nature 582 (7810), pp. 46 - 49 (2020)
Journal Article
Dombi, P.; Pápa, Z.; Vogelsang, J.; Yalunin, S. V.; Sivis, M.; Herink, G.; Schäfer, S.; Groß, P.; Ropers, C.; Lienau, C.: Strong-field nano-optics. Reviews of Modern Physics 92 (2), 025003 (2020)
Journal Article
Schröder, B.; Bunjes, O.; Wimmer, L.; Kaiser, K.; Traeger, G.A.; Kotzott, T.; Ropers, C.; Wenderoth, M.: Controlling photocurrent channels in scanning tunneling microscopy. New Journal of Physics 22 (3), 033047 (2020)
Journal Article
Bordo, E.; Kfir, O.; Zayko, S.; Neufeld, O.; Fleischer, A.; Ropers, C.; Cohen, O.: Interlocked attosecond pulse trains in slightly bi-elliptical high harmonic generation. Journal of Physics: Photonics 2 (3), 034005 (2020)
Journal Article
Harvey, T.R.; Henke, J.-W.; Kfir, O.; Lourenço-Martins, H.; Feist, A.; García De Abajo, F.J.; Ropers, C.: Probing Chirality with Inelastic Electron-Light Scattering. Nano Letters 20 (6), pp. 4377 - 4383 (2020)
Journal Article
Konečná, A.; Di Giulio, V.; Mkhitaryan, V.; Ropers, C.; García De Abajo, F.J.: Nanoscale Nonlinear Spectroscopy with Electron Beams. ACS Photonics 7 (5), pp. 1290 - 1296 (2020)
Journal Article
Kurtz, F.; Ropers, C.; Herink, G.: Resonant excitation and all-optical switching of femtosecond soliton molecules. Nature Photonics 14 (1), pp. 9 - 13 (2020)
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