Publikationen von E. Bartnik

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Bartnik, E.; Weber, K.: Widespread occurrence of intermediate filaments in invertebrates; common principles and aspects of diversion. European Journal of Cell Biology 50 (1), S. 17 - 33 (1989)
Bartnik, E.; Weber, K.: Intermediate filaments in the giant muscle cells of the nematode Ascaris lumbricoides; abundance and three-dimensional complexity of arrangements. European Journal of Cell Biology 45 (2), S. 291 - 301 (1988)
Bartnik, E.; Kossmagk-Stephan, K.; Weber, K.: Evidence for two intermediate filament prototypes in the invertebrate Myxicola; neurofilaments and non-neuronal intermediate filaments differ in subunit size and immunological properties. European Journal of Cell Biology 44 (2), S. 219 - 228 (1987)
Bartnik, E.; Kossmagk-Stephan, K.; Osborn, M.; Weber, K.: In gastropods intermediate filaments occur in ephithelia, glia, connective tissue cells, and neurons but not in muslcle. European Journal of Cell Biology 43 (3), S. 329 - 338 (1987)
Bartnik, E.; Osborn, M.; Weber, K.: Intermediate filaments in non-neuronal cells of invertebrates: Isolation and biochemical characterization of intermediate filaments from the esophageal epithelium of the mollusc Helix pomatia. The Journal of Cell Biology 101 (2), S. 427 - 440 (1985)
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