Publikationen von Sara M. Pilgram

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Parsley, S. L.; Pilgram, S. M.; Soto, F.; Giese, K. P.; Edwards, F. A.: Enriching the environment of alpha CaMKIIT286A mutant mice reveals that LTD occurs in memory processing but must be subsequently reversed by LTP. Learning & Memory 14 (1-2), S. 75 - 83 (2007)
Koehl, A.; Schmidt, N.; Rieger, A.; Pilgram, S. M.; Letunic, I.; Bork, P.; Soto, F.; Friauf, E.; Nothwang, H. G.: Gene expression profiling of the rat superior olivary complex using serial analysis of gene expression. European Journal of Neuroscience 20 (12), S. 3244 - 3258 (2004)
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