Publikationen von Till Stephan

Zeitschriftenartikel (12)

Chen, J.; Stephan, T.; Gaedke, F.; Liu, T.; Li, Y.; Schauss, A.; Chen, P.; Wulff, V.; Jakobs, S.; Jüngst, C. et al.; Chen, Z.: An aldehyde-crosslinking mitochondrial probe for STED imaging in fixed cells. PNAS 121 (19), e2317703121 (2024)
Stephan, T.; Stoldt, S.; Barbot, M.; Carney, T. D.; Lange, F.; Bates, M.; Bou Dib, P.; Inamdar, K.; Shcherbata, H. R.; Meinecke, M. et al.; Riedel, D.; Dennerlein, S.; Rehling, P.; Jakobs, S.: Drosophila MIC10b can polymerize into cristae-shaping filaments. Life science alliance 7 (4), e202302177 (2024)
Ebrahimi, V.; Stephan, T.; Kim, J.; Carravilla, P.; Eggeling, C.; Jakobs, S.; Han, K. Y.: Deep learning enables fast, gentle STED microscopy. Communications Biology 6 (1), 674 (2023)
Liu, T.; Stephan, T.; Chen, P.; Keller-Findeisen, J.; Chen, J.; Riedel, D.; Yang, Z.; Jakobs, S.; Chen, Z.: Multi-color live-cell STED nanoscopy of mitochondria with a gentle inner membrane stain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (52), e2215799119 (2022)
Bates, M.; Keller-Findeisen, J.; Przybylski, A.; Hüper, A.; Stephan, T.; Ilgen, P.; Cereceda Delgado, A.R.; D’Este, E.; Egner, A.; Jakobs, S. et al.; Sahl, S. J.; Hell, S. W.: Optimal precision and accuracy in 4Pi-STORM using dynamic spline PSF models. Nature Methods 19 (5), S. 603 - 612 (2022)
Stephan, T.; Ilgen, P.; Jakobs, S.: Innenarchitektur der Zellkraftwerke: Membranfalten in Hochauflösung. BIOspektrum 27 (2), S. 161 - 164 (2021)
Pape, J. K.; Stephan, T.; Balzarotti, F.; Büchner, R.; Lange, F.; Riedel, D.; Jakobs, S.; Hell, S. W.: Multicolor 3D MINFLUX nanoscopy of mitochondrial MICOS proteins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 117 (34), S. 20607 - 20614 (2020)
Stephan, T.; Brüser, C.; Deckers, M.; Steyer, A. M.; Balzarotti, F.; Barbot, M.; Behr, T. S.; Heim, G.; Hübner, W.; Ilgen, P. et al.; Lange, F.; Pacheu‐Grau, D.; Pape, J. K.; Stoldt, S.; Huser, T.; Hell, S. W.; Möbius, W.; Rehling, P.; Riedel, D.; Jakobs, S.: MICOS assembly controls mitochondrial inner membrane remodeling and crista junction redistribution to mediate cristae formation. EMBO Journal 39 (14), e104105 (2020)
Jakobs, S.; Stephan, T.; Ilgen, P.; Brueser, C.: Light microscopy of mitochondria at the nanoscale. Annual Review of Biophysics 49, (in press) (2020)
Stoldt, S.; Stephan, T.; Jans, D. C.; Brüser, C.; Lange, F.; Keller-Findeisen, J.; Riedel, D.; Hell, S. W.; Jakobs, S.: Mic60 exhibits a coordinated clustered distribution along and across yeast and mammalian mitochondria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (20), S. 9853 - 9858 (2019)
Stephan, T.; Roesch, A.; Riedel, D.; Jakobs, S.: Live-cell STED nanoscopy of mitochondrial cristae. Scientific Reports 9 (1), 12419 (2019)
Faoro, R.; Bassu, M.; Mejia, Y. X.; Stephan, T.; Dudani, N.; Boeker, C.; Jakobs, S.; Burg, T. P.: Aberration-corrected cryoimmersion light microscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (6), S. 1204 - 1209 (2018)
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