Theoretische und Computergestützte Biophysik

Publikationen von A. J. Fielding

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Pievo, R.; Angerstein, B.; Fielding, A. J.; Koch, C.; Feussner, I.; Bennati, M.: A rapid freeze-quench setup for multi-frequency EPR spectroscopy of enzymatic reactions. ChemPhysChem 14 (18), S. 4094 - 4101 (2013)
Fielding, A.; Parey, K.; Ermler, U.; Scheller, S.; Jaun, B.; Bennati, M.: Advanced electron paramagnetic resonance on the catalytic iron–sulfur cluster bound to the CCG domain of heterodisulfide reductase and succinate: Quinone reductase. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 18 (8), S. 905 - 915 (2013)
Koch, C.; Tria, G.; Fielding, A.; Brodhun, F.; Valerius, O.; Feussner, K.; Braus, G. H.; Svergun, D. I.; Bennati, M.; Feussner, I.: A structural model of PpoA derived from SAXS-analysis-Implications for substrate conversion. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 1831 (9), S. 1449 - 1457 (2013)
Koch, C.; Fielding, A.; Brothun, F.; Bennati, M.; Feussner, I.: Linoleic acid positioning in psi factor producing oxygenase A, a fusion protein with an atypical cytochrome P450 activity. FEBS Journal 279 (9), S. 1594 - 1606 (2012)
Fielding, A.; Brodhun, F.; Koch, C.; Pievo, R.; Denysenkov, V.; Feussner, I.; Bennati, M.: Multifrequency electron paramagnetic resonance characterization of PpoA, a CYP450 fusion protein that catalyzes fatty acid dioxygenation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (23), S. 9052 - 9062 (2011)
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