Theoretische und Computergestützte Biophysik

Publikationen von Kamila A. Kiszka

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Mitronova, G.; Quentin, C.; Belov, V. N.; Wegener, J.W.; Kiszka, K. A.; Lehnart, S.E.: 1,4-Benzothiazepines with Cyclopropanol Groups and Their Structural Analogues Exhibit Both RyR2-Stabilizing and SERCA2a-Stimulating Activities. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 66 (23), S. 15761 - 15775 (2023)
Bucevičius, J.; Gerasimaitė, R.; Kiszka, K. A.; Pradhan, S.; Kostiuk, G.; Koenen, T.; Lukinavičius, G.: A general highly efficient synthesis of biocompatible rhodamine dyes and probes for live-cell multicolor nanoscopy. Nature Communications 14 (1), 1306 (2023)
Gerasimaite, R.; Bucevicius, J.; Kiszka, K.; Schnorrenberg, S.; Kostiuk, G.; Koenen, T.; Lukinavičius, G.: Blinking fluorescent probes for tubulin nanoscopy in living and fixed cells. ACS Chemical Biology 16 (11), S. 2130 - 2136 (2021)
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