Theoretische und Computergestützte Biophysik

Publikationen von Ilaria Cervellini

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Sociali, G.; Visigalli, D.; Prukop, T.; Cervellini, I.; Mannino, E.; Venturi, C.; Bruzzone, S.; Sereda, M. W.; Schenone, A.: Tolerability and efficacy study of P2X7 inhibition in experimental Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1A (CMT1A) neuropathy. Neurobiology of Disease 95 (11), S. 145 - 157 (2016)
Avenali, L.; Narayanan, P.; Rouwette, T.; Cervellini, I.; Sereda, M.; Gomez-Varela, D.; Schmidt, M.: Annexin A2 regulates TRPA1-dependent nociception. Journal of Neuroscience 34 (44), S. 14506 - 14516 (2014)
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