Publications of Sandra Goebbels

Journal Article (64)

Journal Article
Beggs, H. E.; Schahin-Reed, D.; Zang, K.; Goebbels, S.; Nave, K.-A.; Gorski, J.; Jones, K. R.; Sretavan, D.; Reichardt, L. F.: FAK deficiency in cells contributing to the basal lamina results in cortical abnormalities resembling congenital muscular dystrophies. Neuron 40 (3), pp. 501 - 514 (2003)
Journal Article
Kleppisch, T.; Wolfsgruber, W.; Feil, S.; Allmann, R.; Wotjak, C. T.; Goebbels, S.; Nave, K.-A.; Hofmann, F.; Feil, R.: Hippocampal cGMP-dependent protein kinase I supports an age- and protein synthesis-dependent component of long-term potentiation but is not essential for spatial reference and contextual memory. The Journal of Neuroscience 23 (14), pp. 6005 - 6012 (2003)
Journal Article
Lappe-Siefke, C.; Goebbels, S.; Gravel, M.; Nicksch, E.; Lee, J.; Braun, P. E.; Griffiths, I. R.; Nave, K.-A.: Disruption of Cnp1 uncouples oligodendroglial functions in axonal support and myelination. Nature Genetics 33 (3), pp. 366 - 374 (2003)
Journal Article
Genoud, S.; Lappe-Siefke, C.; Goebbels, S.; Radtke, F.; Aguet, M.; Scherer, S. S.; Suter, U.; Nave, K.-A.; Mantei, N.: Notch1 control of oligodendrocyte differentiation in the spinal cord. Journal of Cell Biology 158 (4), pp. 709 - 718 (2002)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Goebbels, S.; Nave, K.-A.: Conditional Mutagenesis in Oligodendrocyte Lineage Cells. In: Oligodendrocytes: Methods and protocols, pp. 249 - 274 (Eds. Lyons, D. A.; Kegel, L.). Humana Press, New York, NY (2019)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Goebbels, S.: Zelltyp-spezifische Expression der Rekombinase Cre im Nervensystem der Maus. Dissertation, Ruprecht-Karl Universität, Heidelberg (2002)

Preprint (2)

Sasmita, A. O.; Depp, C.; Nazarenko, T.; Sun, T.; Siems, S. B.; Yu, X.; Böhler, C.; Ong, E. C.; Bues, B.; Evangelista, L. et al.; Morgado, B.; Wu, Z.; Ruhwedel, T.; Subramanian, S.; Börensen, F.; Overhoff, K.; Spieth, L.; Berghoff, S. A.; Sadleir, K. R.; Vassar, R.; Eggert, S.; Goebbels, S.; Saito, T.; Saido, T.; Möbius, W.; Castelo-Branco, G.; Klafki, H.-W.; Wirths, O.; Wiltfang, J.; Jäkel, S.; Yan, R.; Nave, K.-A.: Oligodendrocytes and neurons contribute to amyloid-β deposition in Alzheimer’s disease. bioRxiv (2023)
Depp, C.; Sun, T.; Sasmita, A. O.; Spieth, L.; Berghoff, S. A.; Steixner-Kumar, A. A.; Subramanian, S.; Möbius, W.; Göbbels, S.; Saher, G. et al.; Zampar, S.; Wirths, O.; Thalmann, M.; Saito, T.; Saido, T.; Krüger-Burg, D. D.; Kawaguchi, R.; Willem, M.; Haass, C.; Geschwind, D.; Ehrenreich, H.; Stassart, R.; Nave, K.-A.: Ageing-associated myelin dysfunction drives amyloid deposition in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease. bioRxiv (2021)
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