IT & Electronics Service
The group IT & Electronics Service (ITES) is responsible for the IT infrastructure in the institute and develops, builds and repairs electronic devices. ITES is the central service point in the institute for all issues related to IT or electronics equipment. ITES collaborates closely with the Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG), which provides IT services like email, cloud and backup, and also with the IT personal in the workgroups and departments.
We provide the following services, among others, to the Institute's groups:
- Repairs and modifications of electronic devices
- Development and construction of commercially unavailable devices
- Service for PC hardware & software / Windows, macOS and Linux users
- Institute's network and firewall
- Operation of server rooms with institute and departmental servers
- Institute-wide file service
- Administration of user accounts and permissions
- Support of IT projects
- Helpdesk