
Journal Article (27)

Journal Article
Königsmann, T.; Parfentev, I.; Urlaub, H.; Riedel, D.; Schuh, R.: The bicistronic gene würmchen encodes two essential components for epithelial development in Drosophila. Developmental Biology 463 (1), pp. 53 - 62 (2020)
Journal Article
Drees, L.; Königsmann, T.; Jaspers, M. H. J.; Pflanz, R.; Riedel, D.; Schuh, R.: Conserved function of the matriptase-prostasin proteolytic cascade during epithelial morphogenesis. PLoS Genetics 15 (1), e1007882 (2019)
Journal Article
Königsmann, T.; Turetzek, N.; Pechmann, M.; Prpic, N. M.: Expression and function of the zinc finger transcription factor Sp6-9 in the spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum. Development Genes and Evolution 227 (6), pp. 389 - 400 (2017)
Journal Article
Gleixner, E.; Ripp, F.; Gorr, T. A.; Schuh, R.; Wolf, C.; Burmester, T.; Hankeln, T.: Knockdown of Drosophila hemoglobin suggests a role in 02 homeostasis. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 72, pp. 20 - 30 (2016)
Journal Article
Hildebrandt, A.; Pflanz, R.; Behr, M.; Tarp, T.; Riedel, D.; Schuh, R.: Bark beetle controls epithelial morphogenesis by septate junction maturation in Drosophila. Developmental Biology 400 (2), pp. 237 - 247 (2015)
Journal Article
Jaspers, M. H. J.; Pflanz, R.; Riedel, D.; Kawelke, S.; Feussner, I.; Schuh, R.: The fatty acyl-CoA reductase Waterproof mediates airway clearance in Drosophila. Developmental Biology 385 (1), pp. 23 - 31 (2014)
Journal Article
Jaspers, M.; Nolde, K.; Behr, M.; Joo, S. H.; Plessmann, U.; Nikolov, M.; Urlaub, H.; Schuh, R.: The claudin megatrachea protein complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (44), pp. 36756 - 36765 (2012)
Journal Article
Weiss, A.; Charbonnier, E.; Ellertsdottir, E.; Tsirigos, A.; Wolf, C.; Schuh, R.; Pyrowolakis, G.; Affolter, M.: A conserved activation element in BMP signaling during Drosophila development. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 17 (1), pp. 69 - 76 (2010)
Journal Article
Gleixner, E.; Abriss, D.; Adryan, B.; Kraemer, M.; Gerlach, F.; Schuh, R.; Burmester, T.; Hankeln, T.: Oxygen-induced changes in hemoglobin expression in Drosophila. FEBS Journal 275 (20), pp. 5108 - 5116 (2008)
Journal Article
Harder, B.; Schomburg, A.; Pflanz, R.; Kuestner, K.; Gerlach, N.; Schuh, R.: TEV protease-mediated cleavage in Drosophila as a tool to analyze protein functions in living organisms. BioTechniques 44 (6), pp. 765 - 772 (2008)
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Behr, M.; Wingen, C.; Wolf, C.; Schuh, R.; Hoch, M.: Wurst is essential for airway clearance and respiratory-tube size control. Nature Cell Biology 9 (7), pp. 847 - 853 (2007)
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Stahl, M.; Schuh, R.; Adryan, B.: Identification of FGF-dependent genes in the Drosophila tracheal system. Gene Expression Patterns 7 (1-2), pp. 202 - 209 (2007)
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Krause, C.; Wolf, C.; Hemphaelae, J.; Samakovlis, C.; Schuh, R.: Distinct functions of the leucine-rich repeat transmembrane proteins Capricious and Tartan in the Drosophila tracheal morphogenesis. Developmental Biology 296 (1), pp. 253 - 264 (2006)
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Adryan, B.; Schuh, R.: Gene-Ontology-based clustering of gene expression data. Bioinformatics 20 (16), pp. 2851 - 2852 (2004)
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Behr, M.; Riedel, D.; Schuh, R.: The claudin-like Megatrachea is essential in septate junctions for the epithelial barrier function in Drosophila. Developmental Cell 5 (4), pp. 611 - 620 (2003)
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Wolf, C.; Gerlach, N.; Schuh, R.: Drosophila tracheal system formation involves FGF-dependent cell extensions contacting bridge-cells. EMBO Reports 3 (6), pp. 563 - 568 (2002)
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Schuh, R.: Das Tracheensystem von Drosophila: ein Modell zur Bildung tubulärer Netzwerke. BIOspektrum (1), pp. 35 - 39 (2002)
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Linder, B.; Gerlach, N.; Jaeckle, H.: The Drosophila homolog of the human AF 10 is a HP 1-interacting suppressor of position effect variegation. EMBO Reports 2, pp. 211 - 216 (2001)
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Chen, C. K.; Kuehnlein, R. P.; Eulenberg, K. G.; Vincent, S.; Affolter, M.; Schuh, R.: The transcription factors Knirps and Knirps-Related control cell migration and branch morphogenesis during Drosophila tracheal development. Development 125, pp. 4959 - 4968 (1998)
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Kuehnlein, R. P.; Chen, C. K.; Schuh, R.: A transcription unit at the ken and barbie gene locus encodes a novel Drosophila zinc finger protein. Mechanisms of Development 79, pp. 161 - 164 (1998)
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Eulenberg, K. G.; Schuh, R.: The tracheae defective gene encodes a bZIP protein that controls tracheal cell movement during Drosophila embryogenesis. EMBO Journal 16 (23), pp. 7156 - 7165 (1997)
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Kuehnlein, R. P.; Broenner, G.; Taubert, H.; Schuh, R.: Regulation of Drosophila spalt gene expression. Mechanisms of Development 66 (1-2), pp. 107 - 118 (1997)
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Vincent, S.; Ruberte, E.; Grieder, N. C.; Chen, C. K.; Haerry, T.; Schuh, R.; Affolter, M.: DPP controls tracheal cell migration along the dorsoventral body axis of the Drosophila embryo. Development 124 (14), pp. 2741 - 2750 (1997)
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Kuehnlein, R. P.; Schuh, R.: Dual function of the region-specific homeotic gene spalt during Drosophila tracheal system development. Development 122 (7), pp. 2215 - 2223 (1996)
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Reuter, D.; Kuehnlein, R. P.; Frommer, G.; Barrio, R.; Kafatos, F. C.; Jaeckle, H.; Schuh, R.: Regulation, function and potential origin of the Drosophila gene spalt adjacent, which encodes a secreted protein expressed in the early embryo. Chromosoma 104 (6), pp. 445 - 454 (1996)
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Frommer, G.; Schuh, R.; Jaeckle, H.: Localized expression of a novel micropia-like element in the blastoderm of Drosophila melanogaster is dependent on the anterior morphogen bicoid. Chromosoma 103 (2), pp. 82 - 89 (1994)
Journal Article
Kuehnlein, R. P.; Frommer, G.; Friedrich, M.; Gonzalez-Gaitan, M.; Weber, A.; Wagnerbernholz, J. F.; Gehring, W. J.; Jaeckle, H.; Schuh, R.: Spalt encodes an evolutionarily conserved zinc finger protein of novel structure which provides homeotic gene function in the head and tail region of the Drosophila embryo. EMBO Journal 13 (1), pp. 168 - 179 (1994)
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