Selected Publications
Journal Article (45)
Journal Article
Seeing double: the persistent dimer‐of‐dimers structure of drug resistant influenza A M2. Chemistry – A European Journal (2024)
Journal Article
15 (24), pp. 6272 - 6278 (2024)
Homonuclear Simplified Preservation of Equivalent Pathways Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3.
Journal Article
9, 100098 (2024)
Magic-angle spinning NMR structure of Opa60 in lipid bilayers. Journal of Structural Biology: X 4.
Journal Article
403, 107321 (2024)
Carbonaceous matter in ∼ 3.5 Ga black bedded barite from the Dresser Formation (Pilbara Craton, Western Australia) – Insights into organic cycling on the juvenile Earth. Precambrian Research 5.
Journal Article
161, pp. 105 - 115 (2024)
Contrasting packing modes for tubular assemblies in chlorosomes. Photosynthesis Research 6.
Journal Article
3 (10), pp. 2763 - 2771 (2023)
Simplified Preservation of Equivalent Pathways Spectroscopy. JACS Au 7.
Journal Article
37, pp. 245 - 264 (2023)
Study of SQ109 analogs binding to mycobacterium MmpL3 transporter using MD simulations and alchemical relative binding free energy calculations. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 8.
Journal Article
214, pp. 18 - 27 (2023)
Anle138b interaction in α-synuclein aggregates by dynamic nuclear polarization NMR. Methods 9.
Journal Article
14 (16), pp. 3939 - 3945 (2023)
Great Offset Difference Internuclear Selective Transfer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10.
Journal Article
349, 107404 (2023)
Windowed cross polarization at 55 kHz magic-angle spinning. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 11.
Journal Article
14 (1), 5919 (2023)
Acetylation discriminates disease-specific tau deposition. Nature Communications 12.
Journal Article
13, 1494 (2022)
Atomic resolution dynamics of cohesive interactions in phase-separated Nup98 FG domains. Nature Communications 13.
Journal Article
144 (7), pp. 2953 - 2967 (2022)
Structure and gating behavior of the human integral membrane protein VDAC1 in a lipid bilayer. Journal of the American Chemical Society 14.
Journal Article
130-131, pp. 47 - 61 (2022)
Field and magic angle spinning frequency dependence of proton resonances in rotating solids. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 15.
Journal Article
60 (38), pp. 20984 - 20990 (2021)
Spontaneous enhancement of magnetic resonance signals using a RASER. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 16.
Journal Article
12, 4231 (2021)
Co-factor-free aggregation of tau into seeding-competent RNA-sequestering amyloid fibrils. Nature Communications 17.
Journal Article
11 (5), 752 (2021)
Proton detected solid-state NMR of membrane proteins at 28 Tesla (1.2 GHz) and 100 kHz magic-angle spinning. Biomolecules 18.
Journal Article
7 (20), eabg2174 (2021)
Insights into the molecular mechanism of amyloid filament formation: Segmental folding of α-synuclein on lipid membranes. Science Advances 19.
Journal Article
50 (2), pp. 159 - 172 (2021)
Structure, gating and interactions of the voltage-dependent anion channel. European Biophysics Journal 20.
Journal Article
50 (2), pp. 173 - 180 (2021)
Membrane-embedded TSPO: an NMR view. European Biophysics Journal 21.
Journal Article
10, 21210 (2020)
Solid-state NMR investigation of the involvement of the P2 region in tau amyloid fibrils. Scientific Reports 22.
Journal Article
11, 6046 (2020)
Catalysis of proline isomerization and molecular chaperone activity in a tug-of-war. Nature Communications 23.
Journal Article
117 (35), pp. 21014 - 21021 (2020)
A β-barrel for oil transport through lipid membranes: Dynamic NMR structures of AlkL. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 24.
Journal Article
132 (14), pp. 5692 - 5695 (2020)
Molecular basis of the interaction of cyclophilin A with alpha-synuclein. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 25.
Journal Article
Automated backbone NMR resonance assignment of large proteins using redundant linking from a single simultaneous acquisition. Journal of the American Chemical Society, (in press) (2020)
Journal Article
59 (8), pp. 3218 - 3225 (2020)
Structure selectivity of universal alkaline periodate oxidation on lignocellulose for facile isolation of cellulose nanocrystals. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 27.
Journal Article
142 (6), pp. 2704 - 2708 (2020)
Imidazole-imidazole hydrogen bonding in the pH-sensing histidine side chains of influenza A M2. Journal of the American Chemical Society 28.
Journal Article
305, pp. 1 - 4 (2019)
Correcting for magnetic field drift in magic-angle spinning NMR datasets. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 29.
Journal Article
73 (1-2), pp. 81 - 91 (2019)
Alpha protons as NMR probes in deuterated proteins. Journal of Biomolecular NMR 30.
Journal Article
58 (5), pp. 1402 - 1406 (2019)
Dynamic nuclear polarization of ¹³C nuclei in the liquid state over a 10 Tesla field range. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 31.
Journal Article
20 (2), pp. 302 - 310 (2019)
Probing membrane protein insertion into lipid bilayers by solid-state NMR. ChemPhysChem 32.
Journal Article
57 (50), pp. 16323 - 16328 (2018)
Helical fibers via evaporation-driven self-assembly of surface-acylated cellulose nanowhiskers. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 33.
Journal Article
292, pp. 942 - 950 (2018)
Crucial role for oxygen functional groups in the oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalytic activity of nitrogen-doped carbons. Electrochimica Acta 34.
Journal Article
287, pp. 140 - 152 (2018)
1H magic-angle spinning NMR evolves as a powerful new tool for membrane proteins. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 35.
Journal Article
8, 2073 (2017)
Structure of outer membrane protein G in lipid bilayers. Nature Communications 36.
Journal Article
56 (41), pp. 12571 - 12575 (2017)
Degree of biomimicry of artificial spider silk spinning assessed by NMR spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 37.
Journal Article
87, pp. 126 - 136 (2017)
Is protein deuteration beneficial for proton detected solid-state NMR at and above 100 kHz magic-angle spinning? Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 38.
Journal Article
139 (37), pp. 13006 - 13012 (2017)
Proton-based structural analysis of a heptahelical transmembrane protein in lipid bilayers. Journal of the American Chemical Society 39.
Journal Article
8 (11), pp. 2399 - 2405 (2017)
Selective 1H-1H distance restraints in fully protonated proteins by very fast magic-angle spinning solid-state NMR. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 40.
Journal Article
55 (50), pp. 15504 - 155509 (2016)
NMR spectroscopic assignment of backbone and side-chain protons in fully protonated proteins: Microcrystals, sedimented assemblies, and amyloid fibrils. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 41.
Journal Article
113 (33), pp. 9187 - 9192 (2016)
Structure of fully protonated proteins by proton-detected magic-angle spinning NMR. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 42.
Journal Article
62 (3), pp. 253 - 261 (2015)
Protein residue linking in a single spectrum for magic-angle spinning NMR assignment. Journal of Biomolecular NMR 43.
Journal Article
253, pp. 36 - 49 (2015)
High-resolution proton-detected NMR of proteins at very fast MAS. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 44.
Journal Article
137 (47), pp. 14877 - 14886 (2015)
Structure and mechanism of the influenza A M2(18-60) dimer of dimers. Journal of the American Chemical Society 45.
Journal Article
52 (16), pp. 2774 - 2782 (2013)
Dynamic nuclear polarization study of inhibitor binding to the M2(18-60) proton transporter from influenza A. Biochemistry Preprint (1)
Lipidic folding pathway of α-Synuclein via a toxic oligomer. Research Square (2024)