Christian Griesinger

Born on April 5, 1960 in Ulm. Study of chemistry and physics Frankfurt/Main (1979), diploma in chemistry (1984), PhD with Prof. Kessler, Frankfurt University (1986), postdoctoral fellow with Prof. R.R. Ernst, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (1986-1989), Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Frankfurt/Main (1990), Director and Scientific Member at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (since 1999), Honorary Professor at the University of Göttingen.

Scientific Awards, Honors and Memberships

Prize of the Friends and Supports of the University of Frankfurt for the best PhD in science (1987)
Young Investigator Grant of the Fund of the Chemical Industry (1989)
Prize for Best Chemistry Book of the Fund of the Chemical Industry together with Prof. Quinkert and Prof. Egert for: "Aspects of Organic Chemistry" (1996)
Sommerfeld Prize of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (1997)
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of DFG (1998)
Member of the German Chemical Society and Chairman of its specialist sub-group "Magnetic Resonance"
Otto Bayer Prize (2003)

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