
Zeitschriftenartikel (400)

Altas, B.; Tuffy, L. P.; Patrizi, A.; Dimova, K.; Soykan, T.; Brandenburg, C.; Romanowski, A. J.; Whitten, J. R.; Robertson, C. D.; Khim, S. N. et al.; Crutcher, G. W.; Ambrozkiewicz, M.; Yagensky, O.; Krüger-Burg, D. D.; Hammer, M.; Hsiao, H.-H.; Laskowski, P. R.; Dyck, L.; Puche, A. C.; Sassoè-Pognetto, M.; Chua, J. J. E.; Urlaub, H.; Jahn, O.; Brose, N.; Poulopoulos, A.: Region-Specific Phosphorylation Determines Neuroligin-3 Localization to Excitatory versus Inhibitory Synapses. Biological Psychiatry 96 (10), S. 815 - 828 (2024)
Pribicevic, S.; Graham, A. C.; Cafiso, D. S.; Perez-Lara, A.; Jahn, R.: Intermediate steps in the formation of neuronal SNARE complexes. Journal of Biological Chemistry 300 (8), 107591 (2024)
Qiu, H.; Wu, X.; Ma, X.; Li, S.; Cai, Q.; Ganzella, M.; Ge, L.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, M.: Short-distance vesicle transport via phase separation. Cell 187 (9), S. 2175 - 2193.e21 (2024)
Koike, S.; Jahn, R.: Rab GTPases and phosphoinositides fine-tune SNAREs dependent targeting specificity of intracellular vesicle traffic. Nature Communications 15 (1), 2508 (2024)
Cepeda, A. P.; Ninov, M.; Neef, J.; Parfentev, I.; Kusch, K.; Reisinger, E.; Jahn, R.; Moser, T.; Urlaub, H.: Proteomic Analysis Reveals the Composition of Glutamatergic Organelles of Auditory Inner Hair Cells. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 23 (2), 100704 (2024)
Zhao, Y.; Fang, Q.; Sharma, S.; Jakhanwal, S.; Jahn, R.; Lindau, M.: All SNAP25 molecules in the vesicle–plasma membrane contact zone change conformation during vesicle priming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (2), e2309161121 (2024)
Alfken, J.; Neuhaus, C.; Major, A.; Taskina, A.; Hoffmann, C.; Ganzella, M.; Petrovic, A.; Zwicker, D.; Fernández-Busnadiego, R.; Jahn, R. et al.; Milovanovic, D.; Salditt, T.: Vesicle condensation induced by synapsin: condensate size, geometry, and vesicle shape deformations. European Physical Journal E 47 (1), 8 (2024)
Binotti, B.; Ninov, M.; Cepeda, A. P.; Ganzella, M.; Matti, U.; Riedel, D.; Urlaub, H.; Sambandan, S.; Jahn, R.: ATG9 resides on a unique population of small vesicles in presynaptic nerve terminals. Autophagy 20 (4), S. 883 - 901 (2024)
Jahn, R.; Cafiso, D. C.; Tamm, L. K.: Mechanisms of SNARE proteins in membrane fusion. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 25, S. 101 - 118 (2024)
Hoffmann, C.; Rentsch, J.; Tsunoyama, T.A.; Chhabra, A.; Aguilar Perez, G.; Chowdhury, R.; Trnka, F.; Korobeinikov, A.A.; Shaib, A.H.; Ganzella, M. et al.; Giannone, G.; Rizzoli, S.O.; Kusumi, A.; Ewers, H.; Milovanovic, D.: Synapsin condensation controls synaptic vesicle sequestering and dynamics. Nature Communications 14 (1), 6730 (2023)
Stief, T.; Gremer, L.; Pribicevic, S.; Espinueva, D. F.; Vormann, K.; Biehl, R.; Jahn, R.; Pérez-Lara, Á.; Lakomek, N.-A.: Intrinsic Disorder of the Neuronal SNARE Protein SNAP25a in its Pre-fusion Conformation. Journal of Molecular Biology 435 (10), 168069 (2023)
Roig Adam, A.; Martínez-López, J.A.; van der Spek, S.J.F.; Achsel, T.; Andres-Alonso, M.; Bagni, C.; Bayés, À.; Biederer, T.; Brose, N.; Chua, J.J.E. et al.; Coba, M.P.; Cornelisse, L.N.; de Juan-Sanz, J.; Goldschmidt, H.L.; Gundelfinger, E.D.; Huganir, R.L.; Imig, C.; Jahn, R.; Jung, H.; Kaeser, P.S.; Kim, E.; Koopmans, F.; Kreutz, M.R.; Lipstein, N.; MacGillavry, H.D.; McPherson, P.S.; O’Connor, V.; Pielot, R.; Ryan, T.A.; Sala, C.; Sheng, M.; Smalla, K.-H.; Thomas, P.D.; Toonen, R.F.; van Weering, J.R.T.; Verpelli, C.; Sullivan, P.F.; Smit, A.B.; Verhage, M.; Hjerling-Leffler, J.: Transcriptional diversity in specific synaptic gene sets discriminates cortical neuronal identity. Biology Direct 18, 22 (2023)
Kosmidis, E.; Shuttle, C. G.; Preobraschenski, J.; Ganzella, M.; Johnson, P. J.; Veshaguri, S.; Holmkvist, J.; Moller, M. P.; Marantos, O.; Marcoline, F. et al.; Grabe, M.; Pedersen, J. L.; Jahn, R.; Stamou, D.: Regulation of the mammalian-brain V-ATPase through ultraslow mode-switching. Nature 611 (7937), S. 827 - 834 (2022)
Weber, M.; von der Emde, H.; Leutenegger, M.; Gunkel, P.; Sambandan, S.; Khan, T. A.; Keller-Findeisen, J.; Cordes, V. C.; Hell, S. W.: MINSTED nanoscopy enters the Ångström localization range. Nature Biotechnology (2022)
Birinci, Y.; Preobraschenski, J.; Ganzella, M.; Jahn, R.; Park, Y.: Author Correction: Isolation of large dense-core vesicles from bovine adrenal medulla for functional studies. Scientific Reports 12, 16738 (2022)
Komorowski, K.; Preobraschenski, J.; Ganzella, M.; Alfken, J.; Neuhaus, C.; Jahn, R.; Salditt, T.: Neurotransmitter uptake of synaptic vesicles studied by X-ray diffraction. European Biophysics Journal 51, S. 465 - 482 (2022)
Upmanyu, N.; Jin, J.; von der Emde, H.; Ganzella, M.; Bösche, L.; Malviya, V. N.; Zhuleku, E.; Politi, A. Z.; Ninov, M.; Silbern, I. et al.; Leutenegger, M.; Urlaub, H.; Riedel, D.; Preobraschenski, J.; Milosevic, I.; Hell, S. W.; Jahn, R.; Sambandan, S.: Colocalization of different neurotransmitter transporters on synaptic vesicles is sparse except for VGLUT1 and ZnT3. Neuron 110 (9), S. 1483 - 1497 (2022)
Chang, H.-F.; Schirra, C.; Ninov, M.; Hahn, U.; Ravichandran, K.; Krause, E.; Becherer, U.; Bálint, Š.; Harkiolaki, M.; Urlaub, H. et al.; Valitutti, S.; Baldari, C. T.; Dustin, M. L.; Jahn, R.; Rettig, J.: Identification of distinct cytotoxic granules as the origin of supramolecular attack particles in T lymphocytes. Nature Communications 13, 1029 (2022)
Koike, S.; Jahn, R.: SNARE proteins: zip codes in vesicle targeting? Biochemical Journal 479 (3), S. 273 - 288 (2022)
Mühlhausen, S.; Schmitt, H. D.; Plessmann, U.; Mienkus, P.; Sternisek, P.; Perl, T.; Weig, M.; Urlaub, H.; Bader, O.; Kollmar, M.: Proteogenomics analysis of CUG codon translation in the human pathogen Candida albicans. BMC Biology 19, 258 (2021)
Binotti, B.; Jahn, R.; Pérez-Lara, A.: An overview of the synaptic vesicle lipid composition. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 709, 108966 (2021)
Chen, Y.; Vos, S. M.; Dienemann, C.; Ninov, M.; Urlaub, H.; Cramer, P.: Allosteric transcription stimulation by RNA polymerase II super elongation complex. Molecular Cell 81 (16), S. 3386 - 3399.e10 (2021)
Juranek, J. K.; Mukherjee, K.; Jahn, R.; Li, J.-Y.: Coordinated bi-directional trafficking of synaptic vesicle and active zone proteins in peripheral nerves. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 559, S. 92 - 98 (2021)
Witkowska, A.; Heinz, L. P.; Grubmüller, H.; Jahn, R.: Tight docking of membranes before fusion represents a novel, metastable state with unique properties. Nature Communications 12, 3606 (2021)
Kim, C.; Shon, M. J.; Kim, S. H.; Eun, G. S.; Ryu, J.-K.; Hyeon, C.; Jahn, R.; Yoon, T.-Y.: Extreme parsimony in ATP consumption by 20S complexes in the global disassembly of single SNARE complexes. Nature Communications 12, 3206 (2021)
Grothe, T.; Nowak, J.; Jahn, R.; Walla, P. J.: Selected tools to visualize membrane interactions. European Biophysics Journal 50 (2), S. 211 - 222 (2021)
Wittig, S.; Ganzella, M.; Kostmann, S.; Barth, M.; Riedel, D.; Perez-Lara, A.; Jahn, R.; Schmidt, C.: Cross-linking mass spectrometry uncovers protein interactions and functional assemblies in synaptic vesicle membranes. Nature Communications 12, 858 (2021)
Wu, X.; Ganzella, M.; Zhou, J.; Zhu, S.; Jahn, R.; Zhang, M.: Vesicle tethering on the surface of phase-separated active zone condensates. Molecular Cell 81 (1), S. 13 - 24.e7 (2021)
Silbern, I.; Pan, K. T.; Fiosins, M.; Bonn, S.; Rizzoli, S. O.; Fornasiero, E. F.; Urlaub, H.; Jahn, R.: Protein phosphorylation in depolarized synaptosomes: Dissecting primary effects of calcium from synaptic vesicle cycling. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 20, 100061 (2021)
Birinci, Y.; Preobraschenski, J.; Ganzella, M.; Jahn, R.; Park, Y.: Isolation of large dense-core vesicles from bovine adrenal medulla for functional studies. Scientific Reports 10, 7540 (2020)
Luck, R.; Urban, S.; Karakatsani, A.; Harde, E.; Sambandan, S.; Nicholson, L.; Haverkamp, S.; Mann, R.; Martin-Villalba, A.; Schuman, E. M. et al.; Acker-Palmer, A.; de Almodovar, C. R.: VEGF/VEGFR2 signaling regulates hippocampal axon branching during development. eLife 8, e49818 (2019)
Bocker, H. T.; Heinrich, T.; Liebmann, L.; Hennings, J. C.; Seemann, E.; Gerth, M.; Jakovčevski, I.; Preobraschenski, J.; Kessels, M. M.; Westermann, M. et al.; Isbrandt, D.; Jahn, R.; Qualmann, B.; Hübner, C. A.: The Na+/H+ exchanger Nhe1 modulates network excitability via GABA release. Cerebral Cortex 29 (10), S. 4263 - 4276 (2019)
Kreutzberger, A. J. B.; Kiessling, V.; Stroupe, C.; Liang, B.; Preobraschenski, J.; Ganzella, M.; Kreutzberger, M. A. B.; Nakamoto, R.; Jahn, R.; Castle, J. D. et al.; Tamm, L. K.: In vitro fusion of single synaptic and dense core vesicles reproduces key physiological properties. Nature Communications 10, 3904 (2019)
Yagensky, O.; Kohansal-Nodehi, M.; Gunaseelan, S.; Rabe, T.; Zafar, S.; Zerr, I.; Haertig, W.; Urlaub, H.; Chua, J.: Increased expression of heme-binding protein 1 early in Alzheimer's disease is linked to neurotoxicity. eLife 8, e47498 (2019)
Koopmans, F.; van Nierop, P.; Andres-Alonso, M.; Byrnes, A.; Cijsouw, T.; Coba, M. P.; Cornelisse, L. N.; Farrell, R. J.; Goldschmidt, H. L.; Howrigan, D. P. et al.; Hussain, N. K.; Imig, C.; de Jong, A. P. H.; Jung, H.; Kohansalnodehi, M.; Kramarz, B.; Lipstein, N.; Lovering, R. C.; MacGillavry, H.; Mariano, V.; Mi, H.; Ninov, M.; Osumi-Sutherland, D.; Pielot, R.; Smalla, K. H.; Tang, H.; Tashman, K.; Toonen, R. F. G.; Verpelli, C.; Reig-Viader, R.; Watanabe, K.; van Weering, J.; Achsel, T.; Ashrafi, G.; Asi, N.; Brown, T. C.; De Camilli, P.; Feuermann, M.; Foulger, R. E.; Gaudet, P.; Joglekar, A.; Kanellopoulos, A.; Malenka, R.; Nicoll, R. A.; Pulido, C.; de Juan-Sanz, J.; Sheng, M.; Südhof, T. C.; Tilgner, H. U.; Bagni, C.; Bayés, A.; Biederer, T.; Brose, N.; Chua, J. J. E.; Dieterich, D. C.; Gundelfinger, E. D.; Hoogenraad, C.; Huganir, R. L.; Jahn, R.; Kaeser, P. S.; Kim, E.; Kreutz, M. R.; McPherson, P. S.; Neale, B. M.; O’Connor, V.; Posthuma, D.; Ryan, T. A.; Sala, C.; Feng, G.; Hyman, S. E.; Thomas, P. D.; Smit, A. B.; Verhage, M.: SynGO: An evidence-based, expert-curated knowledge base for the synapse. Neuron 103 (2), S. 217 - 234 (2019)
Saito, M.; Koike, S.; Holm, K.; Bregolin, F. L.; Hofsäss, H.: External RBS/PIXE analysis for evaluating quantum dots internalization into HeLa cells. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 450, S. 173 - 178 (2019)
Raja, M. K.; Preobraschenski, J.; Del Olmo-Cabrera, S.; Martinez-Turrillas, R.; Jahn, R.; Perez-Otano, I.; Wesseling, J. F.: Elevated synaptic vesicle release probability in synaptophysin/gyrin family quadruple knockouts. eLife 8, e40744 (2019)
Lakomek, N. A.; Yavuz, H.; Jahn, R.; Perez-Lara, A.: Structural dynamics and transient lipid binding of synaptobrevin-2 tune SNARE assembly and membrane fusion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (18), S. 8699 - 8708 (2019)
Koike, S.; Jahn, R.: SNAREs define targeting specificity of trafficking vesicles by combinatorial interaction with tethering factors. Nature Communicationsvolume 10, 1608 (2019)
Hubrich, R.; Park, Y.; Mey, I.; Jahn, R.; Steinem, C.: SNARE-mediated fusion of single chromaffin granules with pore-spanning membranes. Biophysical Journal 116 (2), S. 308 - 318 (2019)
Brose, N.; Brunger, A.; Cafiso, D.; Chapman, E. R.; Diao, J.; Hughson, F. M.; Jackson, M. B.; Jahn, R.; Lindau, M.; Ma, C. et al.; Rizo, J.; Shin, Y. K.; Söllner, T. H.; Tamm, L.; Yoon, T. Y.; Zhang, Y.: Synaptic vesicle fusion: Today and beyond. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 26 (8), S. 663 - 668 (2019)
Hubrich, B.; Kumar, P.; Neitz, H.; Grunwald, M.; Grothe, T.; Walla, P. J.; Jahn, R.; Diederichsen, U.: PNA hybrid sequences as recognition units in SNARE-protein-mimicking peptides. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 57 (45), S. 14932 - 14936 (2018)
Oroz, J.; Chang, B. J.; Wysoczanski, P.; Lee, C. T.; Perez-Lara, A.; Chakraborty, P.; Hofele, R. V.; Baker, J. D.; Blair, L. J.; Biernat, J. et al.; Urlaub, H.; Mandelkow, E.; Dickey, C. A.; Zweckstetter, M.: Structure and pro-toxic mechanism of the human Hsp90/PPIase/Tau complex. Nature Communications 9, 4532 (2018)
Bassereau, P.; Jin, R.; Baumgart, T.; Deserno, M.; Dimova, R.; Frolov, V. A.; Bashkirov, P. V.; Grubmüller, H.; Jahn, R.; Risselada, H. J. et al.; Johannes, L.; Kozlov, M. M.; Lipowsky, R.; Pucadyil, T. J.; Zeno, W. F.; Stachowiak, J. C.; Stamou, D.; Breuer, A.; Lauritsen, L.; Simon, C.; Sykes, C.; Voth, G. A.; Weikl, T. R.: The 2018 biomembrane curvature and remodeling roadmap. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 (34), 343001 (2018)
Witkowska, A.; Jablonski, L.; Jahn, R.: A convenient protocol for generating giant unilamellar vesicles containing SNARE proteins using electroformation. Scientific Reports 8, 9422 (2018)
Yavuz, H.; Kattan, I.; Hernandez, J. M.; Hofnagel, O.; Witkowska, A.; Raunser, S.; Walla, P. J.; Jahn, R.: Arrest of trans-SNARE zippering uncovers loosely and tightly docked intermediates in membrane fusion. Journal of Biological Chemistry 293 (22), S. 8645 - 8655 (2018)
Komorowski, K.; Salditt, A.; Xu, Y.; Yavuz, H.; Brennich, M.; Jahn, R.; Salditt, T.: Vesicle adhesion and fusion studied by small-angle x-ray scattering. Biophysical Journal 114 (8), S. 1908 - 1920 (2018)
Farsi, Z.; Gowrisankaran, S.; Krunic, M.; Rammner, B.; Woehler, A.; Lafer, E. M.; Mim, C.; Jahn, R.; Milosevic, I.: Clathrin coat controls synaptic vesicle acidification by blocking vacuolar ATPase activity. eLife 7, e32569 (2018)
Preobraschenski, J.; Chere, C.; Ganzella, M.; Zander, J. F.; Richter, K.; Schenck, S.; Jahn, R.; Ahnert-Hilger, G.: Dual and direction-selective mechanisms of phosphate transport by the vesicular glutamate transporter. Cell Reports 23 (2), S. 535 - 545 (2018)
Xu, Y.; Kuhlmann, J.; Brennich, M.; Komorowski, K.; Jahn, R.; Steinem, C.; Salditt, T.: Reconstitution of SNARE proteins into solid-supported lipid bilayer stacks and X-ray structure analysis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes 1860 (2), S. 566 - 578 (2018)
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