Publikationen von H. R. Shcherbata

Zeitschriftenartikel (28)

Marrone, A.; Kucherenko, M. M.; Wiek, R.; Göpfert, M. C.; Shcherbata, H. R.: Hyperthermic seizures and aberrant cellular homeostasis in Drosophila dystrophic muscles. Nature Scientific Reports 1, 47 (2011)
Kucherenko, M. M.; Marrone, A. K.; Rishko, V. M.; de Fatima Magliarelli, H.; Shcherbata, H. R.: Stress and muscular dystrophy: A genetic screen for Dystroglycan and Dystrophin interactors in Drosophila identifies cellular stress response components. Developmental Biology 352 (2), S. 228 - 242 (2011)
König, A.; Yatsenko, A. S.; Weiss, M.; Shcherbata, H. R.: Ecdysteroids affect Drosophila ovarian stem cell niche formation and early germline differentiation. The EMBO Journal 30, S. 1549 - 1562 (2011)
Kucherenko, M. M.; Marrone, A. K.; Rishko, V. M.; Yatsenko, A. S.; Klepzig, A.; Shcherbata, H. R.: Paraffin-embedded and frozen sections of Drosophila adult muscles. The Journal of Visualized Experiments 46, e2438 (2010)
Qi, J.; Yu, J. Y.; Shcherbata, H. R.; Mathieu, J.; Wang, A. J.; Seal, S.; Zhou, W.; Stadler, B. M.; Bourgin, D.; Wang, L. et al.; Nelson, A.; Ware, C.; Raymond, C.; Lim, L. P.; Magnus, J.; Ivanovska, I.; Diaz, R.; Ball, A.; Cleary, M. A.; Ruohola-Baker, H.: microRNAs regulate human embryonic stem cell division. Cell Cycle 8 (22), S. 3729 - 3741 (2009)
Yatsenko, A. S.; Kucherenko, M. M.; Pantoja, M.; Fischer, K. A.; Madeoy, J.; Deng, W. M.; Schneider, M.; Baumgartner, S.; Akey, J.; Shcherbata, H. et al.; Ruohola-Baker, H.: The conserved WW-domain binding sites in Dystroglycan C-terminus are essential but partially redundant for Dystroglycan function. BMC Developmental Biology 9, 18 (2009)
Yu, J. Y.; Reynolds, S. H.; Hatfield, S. D.; Shcherbata, H.; Fischer, K. A.; Ward, E. J.; Long, D.; Ding, Y.; Ruohola-Baker, H.: Dicer-1-dependent Dacapo suppression acts downstream of Insulin receptor in regulating cell division of Drosophila germline stem cells. Development 136 (9), S. 1497 - 1507 (2009)
Kucherenko, M. M.; Pantoja, M.; Yatsenko, A. S.; Shcherbata, H. R.; Fischer, K. A.; Maksymiv, D. V.; Chernyk, Y. I.; Ruohola-Baker, H.: Genetic modifier screens reveal new components that interact with the Drosophila dystroglycan-dystrophin complex. PLoS One 3 (6), e2418 (2008)

Buchkapitel (2)

Kreipke, R. E.; Kwon, Y. V.; Shcherbata, H. R.; Ruohola-Baker, H.: Drosophila melanogaster as a model of muscle degeneration disorders. In: Fly models of human diseases., S. 83 - 109 (Hg. Pick, L.). Elsevier/Academic Pr., Cambridge, Mass. (2017)
König, A.; Shcherbata, H. R.: Visualization of adult stem cells within their niches using the Drosophila germline as a model system. In: Stem Cell Niche: Methods and Protocols, S. 25 - 33 (Hg. Turksen, K.). Springer; Humana Press, New York (2013)

Hochschulschrift - Habilitation (1)

Hochschulschrift - Habilitation
Shcherbata, H. R.: Drosophila melanogaster as a model to study muscular dystrophies, stem cells and their niches. Habilitation, IV, 215 S., Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen (2012)
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