Publikationen von P. Wahle

Zeitschriftenartikel (23)

Wahle, P.; Meyer, G.; Albus, K.: Localization of NPY-immunoreactivity in the cat's visual cortex. Experimental Brain Research 61 (2), S. 364 - 374 (1986)
Wahle, P.; Albus, K.: Cholecystokinin octapeptide-like immunoreactive material in neurons of the intralaminar nuclei of the cat's thalamus. Brain Research 327 (1-2), S. 348 - 353 (1985)
Wahle, P.; Sanides, C.; Eckenstein, F.; Albus, K. D.: Concurrent visualization of choline acetyltransferase-like immunoreactivity and retrograde transport of neocortically injected markers in basal forebrain neurons of cat and rat. Neuroscience Letters 44 (3), S. 223 - 228 (1984)

Buch (1)

Veenman, C. L.; Crzan, D.; Kern, H.; Rickmann, M.; Wahle, P.; van Mier, P.: The anatomical substrate for telencephalic function. (1989)
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