Publikationen von P. Cramer

Zeitschriftenartikel (280)

Xiong, L.; Tolen, E. A.; Choi, J.; Velychko, S.; Caizzi, L.; Velychko, T.; Adachi, K.; MacCarthy, C. M.; Lidschreiber, M.; Cramer, P. et al.; Schöler, H. R.: Oct4 differentially regulates chromatin opening and enhancer transcription in pluripotent stem cells. eLife 11, e71533 (2022)
Dombrowski, M.; Engeholm, M.; Dienemann, C.; Dodonova, S. O.; Cramer, P.: Histone H1 binding to nucleosome arrays depends on linker DNA length and trajectory. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 29 (5), S. 493 - 501 (2022)
Sahu, B.; Hartonen, T.; Pihlajamaa, P.; Wei, B.; Dave, K.; Zhu, F.; Kaasinen, E.; Lidschreiber, K.; Lidschreiber, M.; Daub, C. O. et al.; Cramer, P.; Kivioja, T.; Taipale, J.: Sequence determinants of human gene regulatory elements. Nature Genetics 54 (3), S. 283 - 294 (2022)
Baar, T.; Dümcke, S.; Gressel, S.; Schwalb, B.; Dilthey, A.; Cramer, P.; Tresch, A.: RNA transcription and degradation of Alu retrotransposons depends on sequence features and evolutionary history. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 12 (5), jkac054 (2022)
Shao, R.; Kumar, B.; Lidschreiber, K.; Lidschreiber, M.; Cramer, P.; Elsässer, S. J.: Distinct transcription kinetics of pluripotent cell states. Molecular Systems Biology 18 (1), e10407 (2022)
Fianu, I.; Chen, Y.; Dienemann, C.; Dybkov, O.; Linden, A.; Urlaub, H.; Cramer, P.: Structural basis of Integrator-mediated transcription regulation. Science 374 (6569), S. 883 - 887 (2021)
Kokic, G.; Wagner, F. R.; Chernev, A.; Urlaub, H.; Cramer, P.: Structural basis of human transcription–DNA repair coupling. Nature 598 (7880), S. 368 - 372 (2021)
Aibara, S.; Dienemann, C.; Cramer, P.: Structure of an inactive RNA polymerase II dimer. Nucleic Acids Research 49 (18), S. 10747 - 10755 (2021)
García-Martínez, J.; Medina, D. A.; Bellvís, P.; Sun, M.; Cramer, P.; Chávez, S.; Pérez-Ortín, J. E.: The total mRNA concentration buffering system in yeast is global rather than gene-specific. RNA 27 (10), S. 1281 - 1290 (2021)
Bhatta, A.; Dienemann, C.; Cramer, P.; Hillen, H.: Structural basis of RNA processing by human mitochondrial RNase P. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 28 (9), S. 713 - 723 (2021)
Cramer, P.: AlphaFold2 and the future of structural biology. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 28 (9), S. 704 - 705 (2021)
Kabinger, F.; Stiller, C.; Schmitzova, J.; Dienemann, C.; Kokic, G.; Hillen, H. S.; Höbartner, C.; Cramer, P.: Mechanism of molnupiravir-induced SARS-CoV-2 mutagenesis. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 28 (9), S. 740 - 746 (2021)
Jochheim, F. A.; Tegunov, D.; Hillen, H. S.; Schmitzova, J.; Kokic, G.; Dienemann, C.; Cramer, P.: The structure of a dimeric form of SARS-CoV-2 polymerase. Communications Biology 4, 999 (2021)
Zumer, K.; Maier, K. C.; Farnung, L.; Jaeger, M. G.; Rus, P.; Winter, G.; Cramer, P.: Two distinct mechanisms of RNA polymerase II elongation stimulation in vivo. Molecular Cell 81 (15), S. 3096 - 3109.e8 (2021)
Wang, H.; Xiong, L.; Cramer, P.: Structures and implications of TBP–nucleosome complexes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 118 (30), e2108859118 (2021)
Schilbach, S.; Aibara, S.; Dienemann, C.; Grabbe, F.; Cramer, P.: Structure of RNA polymerase II pre-initiation complex at 2.9 Å defines initial DNA opening. Cell 184 (15), S. 4064 - 4072.e28 (2021)
Chen, Y.; Vos, S. M.; Dienemann, C.; Ninov, M.; Urlaub, H.; Cramer, P.: Allosteric transcription stimulation by RNA polymerase II super elongation complex. Molecular Cell 81 (16), S. 3386 - 3399.e10 (2021)
Aibara, S.; Schilbach, S.; Cramer, P.: Structures of mammalian RNA polymerase II pre-initiation complexes. Nature 594 (7861), S. 124 - 128 (2021)
Rengachari, S.; Schilbach, S.; Aibara, S.; Dienemann, C.; Cramer, P.: Structure of the human Mediator-RNA polymerase II pre-initiation complex. Nature 594 (7861), S. 129 - 133 (2021)
Osman, S.; Mohammad, E.; Lidschreiber, M.; Stuetzer, A.; Bazsó, F. L.; Maier, K. C.; Urlaub, H.; Cramer, P.: The Cdk8 kinase module regulates interaction of the mediator complex with RNA polymerase II. Journal of Biological Chemistry 296, 100734 (2021)
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