Publikationen von Maxim Igaev

Zeitschriftenartikel (9)

Lawson, C. L.; Kryshtafovych, A.; Pintilie, G. D.; Burley, S. K.; Černý, J.; Chen, V. B.; Emsley, P.; Gobbi, A.; Joachimiak, A.; Noreng, S. et al.; Prisant, M. G.; Read, R. J.; Richardson, J. S.; Rohou, A. L.; Schneider, B.; Sellers, B. D.; Shao, C.; Sourial, E.; Williams, C. I.; Williams, C. J.; Yang, Y.; Abbaraju, V.; Afonine, P. V.; Baker, M. L.; Bond, P. S.; Blundell, T. L.; Burnley, T.; Campbell, A.; Cao, R.; Cheng, J.; Chojnowski, G.; Cowtan, K. D.; DiMaio, F.; Esmaeeli, R.; Giri, N.; Grubmüller, H.; Hoh, S. W.; Hou, J.; Hryc, C. F.; Hunte, C.; Igaev, M.; Joseph, A. P.; Kao, W.-C.; Kihara, D.; Kumar, D.; Lang, L.; Lin, S.; Subramaniya, S. R. M. V.; Mittal, S.; Mondal, A.; Moriarty, N. W.; Muenks, A.; Murshudov, G. N.; Nicholls, R. A.; Olek, M.; Palmer, C. M.; Perez, A.; Pohjolainen, E.; Pothula, K. R.; Rowley, C. N.; Sarkar, D.; Schäfer, L. U.; Schlicksup, C. J.; Schröder, G. F.; Shekhar, M.; Si, D.; Singharoy, A.; Sobolev, O. V.; Terashi, G.; Vaiana, A. C.; Vedithi, S. C.; Verburgt, J.; Wang, X.; Warshamanage, R.; Winn, M. D.; Weyand, S.; Yamashita, K.; Zhao, M.; Schmid, M. F.; Berman, H. M.; Chiu, W.: Outcomes of the EMDataResource cryo-EM Ligand Modeling Challenge. Nature Methods 21, S. 1340 - 1348 (2024)
Bock, L. V.; Igaev, M.; Grubmüller, H.: Single-particle Cryo-EM and molecular dynamics simulations: A perfect match. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 86, 102825 (2024)
Igaev, M.; Grubmüller, H.: Bending-torsional elasticity and energetics of the plus-end microtubule tip. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (12), e2115516119 (2022)
Jahnke, K.; Grubmüller, H.; Igaev, M.; Göpfrich, K.: Choice of fluorophore affects dynamic DNA nanostructures. Nucleic Acids Research 49 (7), S. 4186 - 4195 (2021)
Lawson, C. L.; Kryshtafovych, A.; Adams, P. D.; Afonine, P. V.; Baker, M. L.; Barad, B. A.; Bond, P.; Burnley, T.; Cao, R.; Cheng, J. et al.; Chojnowski, G.; Cowtan, K.; Dill, K. A.; DiMaio, F.; Farrell, D. P.; Fraser, J. S.; Herzik Jr., M. A. H.; Hoh, S. W.; Hou, J.; Hung, L.-W.; Igaev, M.; Joseph, A. P.; Kihara, D.; Kumar, D.; Mittal, S.; Monastyrskyy, B.; Olek, M.; Palmer, C. M.; Patwardhan, A.; Perez, A.; Pfab, J.; Pintilie, G. D.; Richardson, J. S.; Rosenthal, P. B.; Sarkar, D.; Schäfer, L. U.; Schmid, M. F.; Schröder, G. F.; Shekhar, M.; Si, D.; Singharoy, A.; Terashi, G.; Terwilliger, T. C.; Vaiana, A.; Wang, L.; Wang, Z.; Wankowicz, S. A.; Williams, C. J.; Winn, M.; Wu, T.; Yu, X.; Zhang, K.; Berman, H. M.; Chiu, W.: Cryo-EM model validation recommendations based on outcomes of the 2019 EMDataResource challenge. Nature Methods 18, S. 156 - 164 (2021)
Igaev, M.; Grubmüller, H.: Microtubule instability driven by longitudinal and lateral strain propagation. PLoS Computational Biology 16 (9), e1008132 (2020)
Nagy, G.; Igaev, M.; Hoffmann, S. V.; Jones, N. C.; Grubmüller, H.: SESCA: Predicting circular dichroism spectra from protein molecular structures. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 15 (9), S. 5087 - 5102 (2019)
Igaev, M.; Kutzner, C.; Bock, L. V.; Vaiana, A. C.; Grubmüller, H.: Automated cryo-EM structure refinement using correlation-driven molecular dynamics. eLife 8, e43542 (2019)
Igaev, M.; Grubmüller, H.: Microtubule assembly governed by tubulin allosteric gain in flexibility and lattice induced fit. eLife 7, e34353 (2018)

Konferenzbeitrag (6)

Blom, K.; Igaev, M.; Godec, A.; Grubmüller, H.: Collective mechanochemical effects in microtubule dynamics: Theory and simulations. 64th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, San Diego, CA, 15. Februar 2020 - 19. Februar 2020. Biophysical Journal 118 (Suppl_1), 3 Aufl., S. 31A - 32A (2020)
Igaev, M.; Kutzner, C.; Bock, L. V.; Vaiana, A. C.; Grubmüller, H.: Automated cryo-EM structure refinement using correlation -driven molecular dynamics. Joint 12th EBSA European Biophysics Congress / 10th IUPAP International Conference on Biological Physics (ICBP), Madrid, Spain, 20. Juli 2019 - 24. Juli 2019. European Biophysics Journal 48 (Suppl 1), S. S126 - S126 (2019)
Igaev, M.; Grubmüller, H.: Long-range mechanical coupling in the microtubule lattice. 63rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society , Baltimore, MD, 02. März 2019 - 06. März 2019. Biophysical Journal 116 (Suppl_1), S. 256A - 256A (2019)
Igaev, M.; Grubmüller, H.: Nucleotide-dependent conformational dynamics and energetics of tubulin. 62nd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society , San Francisco, CA , 17. Februar 2018 - 21. Februar 2018. Biophysical Journal 114 (Suppl), 3 Aufl., S. 504a - 504a (2018)
Vaiana, A. C.; Igaev, M.; Kutzner, C.; Grubmüller, H.: Fully automated correlation-based refinement of atomic models into high resolution cryo-EM density maps. 62nd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, San Francisco, CA, 17. Februar 2018 - 21. Februar 2018. Biophysical Journal 114 (3), S. 161a - 161a (2018)
Igaev, M.; Grubmüller, H.: Dynamics and energetics of intrinsic tubulin bending: Novel implications for microtubule assembly. 19th IUPAB Congress / 11th EBSA Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, 16. Juli 2017 - 20. Juli 2017. European Biophysics Journal 46 (Suppl_1), S. S217 - S217 (2017)

Review Article (1)

Review Article
Igaev, M.; Grubmüller, H.: Force generation by polymerizing and depolymerizing microtubules. High-performance computing and data science in the Max Planck Society, S. 52 - 54 (2021)
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