Publikationen von R. Jahn

Konferenzbeitrag (26)

Pavlos, N. J.; Xu, J.; Riedel, D.; Yeoh, J. S.; Teitelbaum, S. L.; Papadimitriou, J. M.; Jahn, R.; Ross, F. P.; Zheng, M. H.: Rab3D regulates a novel vesicular trafficking pathway that is required for osteoclastic bone resorption. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 20 (9 Suppl. 1), S. S375 - S375 (2005)
Radhakrishnan, A.; Fasshauer, D.; Wiederhold, K.; Jahn, R.: Biophysical investigations of synaptotagmin-SNARE interaction. 30th FEBS Congress. FEBS Journal 272, (2005)

Preprint (1)

Kosmidis, E.; Shuttle, C. G.; Preobraschenski, J.; Ganzella, M.; Johnson, P. J.; Veshaguri, S.; Møller, M. P.; Marantos, O.; Pedersen, J. L.; Jahn, R. et al.; Stamou, D.: Pump-Rest-Leak-Repeat: regulation of the mammalian-brain V-ATPase via ultra-slow mode-switching. bioRxiv (2022)
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