High harmonic spectroscopy of condensed matter & ultrafast valleytronics in 2D and bulk materials

  • Datum: 22.01.2025
  • Uhrzeit: 15:15 - 16:15
  • Vortragende(r): Dr. Martin Kozák
  • Charles University, Prague, CZ
  • Ort: Fakultät für Physik
  • Raum: HS4
  • Gastgeber: Prof. Claus Ropers
  • Kontakt: john.gaida@mpinat.mpg.de
High harmonic spectroscopy of condensed matter systems provides insights into the ultrafast electron dynamics driven by strong nonresonant optical fields within the material under investigation. Our experiments focus on how this process is influenced by the presence of excited carriers and by shaping the sub-cycle profile of the driving field in crystalline silicon.
Valley quantum number of electrons in solids is a promising candidate for applications in information storage and processing. While the ultrafast optical manipulation with inequivalent valley populations in 2D materials with broken time-reversal symmetry has been widely studied, the control of valley polarization in technologically important bulk semiconductors such as silicon or diamond has not been possible. I will describe a new nonresonant optical method allowing generation and detection of valley-polarized electron populations in bulk semiconductors on femtosecond time scales.
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