Leica SP8
- Including 405, 458, 488, 514, 561 and 633 nm
- White-light laser tuneable between 470-670 nm
Live imaging
- Entire microscope stand can be heated (Okolab)
- Localized sample enclosure available for more precise exposure to appropriate, humidified gas mixture (Okolab).
- Carbogen, CO2, O2, pressurized ambient air, N2, available
- Both, hypoxic or hyperoxic environments are possible.
- Mechanism for continuous water supply to water immersion objectives for long-term experiments is present
Scanning Modes
- Choice between conventional vs. 12kHz resonant scanner available.
- 2 fluorescence or reflected light hybrid detectors
- 3 fluorescence or reflected light PMTs
- 1 transmitted light PMT
Motorized Stage
- Multi-point acquisitions possible (multi-well dishes)
- Recording of overlapping 2D or 3D fields-of-view with subsequent stitching possible.
- "Stage Navigator" is available.
- Hardware autofocus available
- Software autofocus available
- Can use either or combine both autofocus strategies
- Focus maps may be generated
Acousto-optical beam splitter
Spectrally resolved emission
- Spectrally resolved emission may be obtained via "lambda-scans".
Spectrally resolved absorption
- Absorption scans using the white-light laser are possible
- Absorption/emission scans are also possible
Software implementations
- FRET and FRAP software "wizards".
- Spectral unmixing